PeakMonsters Legion & Premiere: Brawl #240 Report

in #hive-1332326 days ago

This post is an overview of Brawl #240 for PeakMonsters Legion and PeakMonsters [PREMIERE]. The PeakMonsters guilds are partially sponsored by PeakMonsters, the ultimate marketplace for everything in Splinterlands. If you are not familiar with the PeakMonsters market, I highly recommend you check it out.
Below, the post is sectioned into reports for each guild. Each section contains:

  • Overview of the brawl group
  • PeakMonsters Legion/Premiere player results
  • Overall brawl group results
  • Battle highlighs from PeakMonsters Legion/Premiere players
  • Links to all brawl battles from PeakMonsters Legion/Premiere players
  • Estimated winrates for PeakMonsters Legion/Premiere players
  • Table of top 20 performances across all the guilds in the brawl group

    This section is an overview of Brawl #240 for for PeakMonsters Legion.


Brawl group:

Guild Rank Guild Rank
PeakMonsters Legion12Aggressive Gamblers45
✨[RKO] Outta Nowhere 🧨 28Team Possible Hackers65
PeakMonsters Landlubbers58Legendary Whelps54
The Anti Social Club57Immortal Gods 4142
YGG Brawlers (Niðavellir)40Immortal Phoenix126


Player Results

1switcheroo2🔥7-1🔥 +112torhilo4-4 +1
2bolachasmonster🔥7-2🔥13magicsmurf3-5 +1
3lilsob🔥6-2🔥 +114drake4🔥5-1🔥 +3
4airforceone🔥8-0🔥 +115almazik31🔥8-0🔥 +1
5vjekich🔥6-1🔥 +216flowless🔥6-2🔥 +1
6mammuter    4-3     +217tooshytochat🔥7-1🔥 +1
7kalkulus🔥6-3🔥18freestoic🔥6-1🔥 +2
8maldin🔥5-2🔥 +219shieldbearer3-3 +3
9newbrine    4-3     +220hungrymammoth3-3 +3
10mr-kerad🔥6-2🔥 +121pooch11243-3 +3
11shadecroat🔥7-1🔥 +1


Overall brawl results

GuildWinsLossesCrowns SPS Merits
PeakMonsters Legion114+3243155105.4328857
✨[RKO] Outta Nowhere 🧨92+326513289.5456914
PeakMonsters Landlubbers83+327412283.0466390
The Anti Social Club86+255111880.1576743
YGG Brawlers (Niðavellir)77+328011678.7136629
Aggressive Gamblers67+329010571.4925500
Team Possible Hackers66+329110470.7694952
Legendary Whelps42+18846443.3283352
Immortal Gods 437+18805839.7183038
Immortal Phoenix9+117107.221429


Battle highlights

@bolachasmonster vs. PeakMonsters Landlubbers: Battle link


@maldin vs. The Anti Social Club: Battle link


@lilsob vs. Team Possible Hackers: Battle link



All PeakMonsters Legion battles and win chances

The table below contains win chances (given in %) and links to all the battles from PeakMonsters Legion players that I was able to fetch. A "-" symbol indicates that the match was not played, either because the opponent guild did not enter the fray, or the match was no longer present in the battle histories when the data for this report was fetched.
Note that the winrate for matches with Rebellion reward cards might be inaccurate.

Player✨[RKO] Outta Nowhere 🧨             PeakMonsters Landlubbers  The Anti Social Club         YGG Brawlers (Niðavellir) Aggressive Gamblers     Team Possible Hackers      Legendary Whelps       Immortal Gods 4            Immortal Phoenix      Average
@almazik3198    W100  W100  W100  W100  W100  W100  W100  W-100
@airforceone97    W100  W89    W89    W95    W100  W100  W93    W-95
@tooshytochat99    W100  W0      L100  W62    W98    W99    W100  W-82
@switcheroo2100  W100  W0      L100  W100  W100  W100  W100  W-88
@shadecroat100  W96    W99    W100  W100  W19    L100  W99    W-89
@freestoic100  W95    W18    W0      L100  W100  W100  W--73
@vjekich94    W0      W0      L93    W75    W100  W100  W--66
@drake499    W88    L-100  W100  W100  W-100  W-98
@bolachasmonster100  W30    W100  W99    W63    L7      L100  W100  W100  W78
@lilsob89    W82    W0      L100  W99    W65    W81    L100  W-77
@mr-kerad99    W81    L0      L100  W100  W100  W99    W100  W-85
@flowless100  W100  W28    L0      L100  W100  W100  W100  W-78
@maldin0      L100  W69    W58    L81    W100  W100  W--73
@kalkulus0      L99    W61    L97    W68    W97    W99    W1      L100  W69
@mammuter7      L19    L98    W100  W93    W47    W0      L--52
@newbrine0      L100  W5      L99    W100  W100  W-13    L-60
@hungrymammoth0      L83    W-0      L93    W43    L-100  W-53
@pooch1124100  W0      L100  W0      L0      L100  W---50
@shieldbearer42    L46    W0      L100  W71    W0      L---43
@torhilo9      L100  W-49    L14    L100  W0      L100  W100  W59
@magicsmurf69    L0      L86    L67    L99    W93    W15    L100  W-66

Best/Worst luck

The most unlikely loss by a PeakMonsters Legion player in this brawl was drake4's battle with a winrate of 88.

Total results vs Actual results

PeakMonsters Legion won 114 of the battles in the tables above, while the expected number of wins was 116.06.
Note that this calculation is made for the battles that the author was able to fetch from the battle histories. There might be a few battles missing.


Top Brawl Performances

The table below shows the 20 players that had the best performance in this brawl group.

PlayerWinrate in %Total winsGuild
#1@javiss1008Team Possible Hackers
#2@airforceone1008PeakMonsters Legion
#3@almazik311008PeakMonsters Legion
#4@triss771007✨[RKO] Outta Nowhere 🧨
#5@bluelightning898Team Possible Hackers
#6@bnovy.wam898✨[RKO] Outta Nowhere 🧨
#7@lilreaper887YGG Brawlers (Niðavellir)
#8@teut887YGG Brawlers (Niðavellir)
#9@ares-hephaestus887The Anti Social Club
#10@tdmdaddy887✨[RKO] Outta Nowhere 🧨
#11@shadecroat887PeakMonsters Legion
#12@switcheroo2887PeakMonsters Legion
#13@tooshytochat887PeakMonsters Legion
#14@masterthematrix866Immortal Gods 4
#15@se64866The Anti Social Club
#16@drunkchewy866✨[RKO] Outta Nowhere 🧨
#17@vjekich866PeakMonsters Legion
#18@freestoic866PeakMonsters Legion
#19@kolokee835Aggressive Gamblers
#20@frazierbenjamin835✨[RKO] Outta Nowhere 🧨


This section is an overview of Brawl #240 for for PeakMonsters [PREMIERE].


Brawl group:

Guild Rank Guild Rank
The Guild of Neoxian4YGG Brawlers (Ásgard)3
[KoG] Guardians of Glory2PeakMonsters [PREMIERE]22
[KoG] Shield of Glory1Legendary Raptors29
Legendary Dragons10


Player Results

1palasatenea    2-4    14arrrchmage2-4    
3foggybottom    3-3    16edd2🔥4-2🔥    
4someonesomeone    3-3    17pippisapirate🔥4-2🔥    
6cjturtleman    1-5    19eatmyshorts3-3    
7stiant    2-4    20erlendo3-3    
8iamnothing    1-5    21h-monsters1-5    
9schachoberhessen    2-4    22arnebug2-4    
10schach    3-3    23ccoin2-3 +1
11palikari123    3-3    24angstgegner3-3    
12mimiwhale    3-3    25apprentice0011-5    
13ponte79    2-3     +1


Overall brawl results

GuildWinsLossesCrowns SPS Merits
The Guild of Neoxian94+254207370.86812420
[KoG] Guardians of Glory92+256203363.1419744
[KoG] Shield of Glory82+266181324.5098688
Legendary Dragons76+167166297.4678632
YGG Brawlers (Ásgard)75+168164293.6047872
PeakMonsters [PREMIERE]66+282147262.6987056
Legendary Raptors27+212163112.0332520


Battle highlights

@schachoberhessen vs. Legendary Dragons: Battle link


@punggung vs. Legendary Dragons: Battle link


@erlendo vs. The Guild of Neoxian: Battle link



All PeakMonsters [PREMIERE] battles and win chances

The table below contains win chances (given in %) and links to all the battles from PeakMonsters [PREMIERE] players that I was able to fetch. A "-" symbol indicates that the match was not played, either because the opponent guild did not enter the fray, or the match was no longer present in the battle histories when the data for this report was fetched.
Note that the winrate for matches with Rebellion reward cards might be inaccurate.

PlayerThe Guild of Neoxian      [KoG] Guardians of Glory        [KoG] Shield of Glory        Legendary Dragons      YGG Brawlers (Ásgard)     Legendary Raptors      Average
@punggung51    L100  W100  W35    W100  W100  W81
@olgarusky100  W0      L100  W98    W-100  W66
@edd2100  W0      L100  W100  W0      L99    W66
@pippisapirate0      L45    W21    L100  W100  W52    W53
@thorkon64    W0      L100  W100  W8      L100  W62
@palikari1230      L0      L83    W2      L100  W-45
@erlendo78    W19    W1      L85    W25    L0      L35
@foggybottom41    L98    W78    W30    W0      L22    L45
@mimiwhale0      L0      L89    W5      L100  W98    W49
@someonesomeone96    W7      L4      L52    L50    W99    W51
@schach0      L97    L99    W0      L100  W100  W66
@newageinv0      L64    L100  W23    L99    W100  W64
@eatmyshorts0      L91    W93    W62    L10    L100  W59
@angstgegner0      L30    L99    W0      L100  W100  W55
@ccoin0      L0      L34    L-45    W100  W36
@ponte790      L38    L2      L89    W-17    W29
@palasatenea0      L0      W0      L16    L35    L90    W24
@arnebug87    W0      L0      L0      L80    W-31
@arrrchmage5      L0      L0      L38    L48    W-18
@schachoberhessen0      L0      L5      L71    W0      L93    W28
@stiant0      L86    W0      L32    L43    L100  W44
@iamnothing0      L2      L0      L0      L0      L100  W17
@h-monsters3      L17    L0      L0      L0      L39    W10
@cjturtleman0      L0      L0      L0      L1      L100  W17
@apprentice0010      L0      L0      L0      L0      L100  W17

Best/Worst luck

The most unlikely loss by a PeakMonsters [PREMIERE] player in this brawl was schach's battle with a winrate of 97.

Total results vs Actual results

PeakMonsters [PREMIERE] won 65 of the battles in the tables above, while the expected number of wins was 63.22.
Note that this calculation is made for the battles that the author was able to fetch from the battle histories. There might be a few battles missing.


Top Brawl Performances

The table below shows the 20 players that had the best performance in this brawl group.

PlayerWinrate in %Total winsGuild
#1@maplelicious1006YGG Brawlers (Ásgard)
#2@ser20221006YGG Brawlers (Ásgard)
#3@taug1006Legendary Dragons
#4@megakyodaibanrai1006[KoG] Shield of Glory
#5@bravetofu1006[KoG] Shield of Glory
#6@misterrogers1006[KoG] Shield of Glory
#7@porquito1006The Guild of Neoxian
#8@johnjohnjohn1006The Guild of Neoxian
#9@qprfdb1005The Guild of Neoxian
#10@punggung835PeakMonsters [PREMIERE]
#11@krympton835YGG Brawlers (Ásgard)
#12@frosta835Legendary Dragons
#13@nitroage835Legendary Dragons
#14@sheesha835[KoG] Shield of Glory
#15@azipoon835[KoG] Shield of Glory
#16@iproto835[KoG] Shield of Glory
#17@azircon835[KoG] Shield of Glory
#18@idmr500835[KoG] Guardians of Glory
#19@ding3435835[KoG] Guardians of Glory
#20@xsuilx835[KoG] Guardians of Glory


Final words

I hope you found this post interesting. If you did, you might also enjoy my other content:

PeakMonsters Legion & Premiere Brawl #239 Report
PeakMonsters Legion & Premiere Brawl #238 Report
PeakMonsters Legion & Premiere Brawl #237 Report
PeakMonsters Legion & Premiere Brawl #236 Report
PeakMonsters Legion & Premiere Brawl #235 Report
If you would like to see more of this content, please let me know, like and share the post. Also, if you have not yet started playing Splinterlands, you can join and support me and the same time with the following link

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Best of luck in Splinterlands!


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