This post has a few things, wrapped in my ramblings. Most interesting is probably the card idea up front. The rest of the post has last season summary and then finally the reveal of the 10x legendary draws that I started this season with!
Card idea
Recently I have been toying around with trying to find what sort of card niches we are currently missing in our Splinterlands sets. To do that I was using all the cards we currently have, and tried to draw random stat combinations and calculating which one was "furthest" from the ones we have, on average.
In general, it tended to choose extreme stat combinations. I should have expected that. It was a lot of stuff like low attack stats, massive speed and health, etc. There would have been many ways to improve on my search strategy, but I learned something regardless.
What I found was that the stat combination we are missing seems to be low-health high armored ranged units, and they typically had decent speed. So I tried to think about what an interesting card in that style could be. Here is my suggestion:
I settled at 5 mana, 3 ranged power, 1 health, 6 armor and 5 speed. It is also a legendary card, mostly because I also wanted to tag on some cool abilities. I used a Neutral card frame, but I don't think it should be a neutral card. In general I dislike neutral cards, especially when they are powerful, because they make for a less varied meta *stares judgingly at Grimbardun Smith and Venka. Perhaps it would be fitting to make this a water card? It would be great for Elias in some rulesets, and probably good with Cryptic if we slap on an Expose on this thing.
The low-health high armor ranged style makes a pretty good backline tank. Of course, it would be vurnerable to Poison, but our favorite backline poisoner, Uraeus, is leaving modern in the next rotation, so maybe that will be a less common occurence. There is that other guy, Chaos Jailer, that would also home in on this card, but he is not neutral after all.
So this would be the second wingbreak unit in the game. Wingbreak is a very interesting skill, that works around the enemy teams defenses. Sometimes it won't do anything though, that's whats cool about it. Its not an ability for every game. Given that I picked a legendary card frame here, I had to add a strong second ability, and settled for Blast. That makes it all the more satisfying when there is some flying unit that willbreak will home in on.
So, artwork is not my strong suit. What would this card look like?
Last season summary:
I played quite a bit last season, both tournaments and ranked. The glint boost was definitely some extra motivation for me, and I wanted to use it as much as possible. That resulted in almost 500 games played, with basically 50% winrate as you can see (screenshots from )
This season was a glint fest, with 2x more glint earned for every win. That put me at 430k glint earned. I also earned over 3000 SPS from ranked, and a bit more than 1.5k from tournaments.
Overall a good season for me. I hope we can see similar limited time bonuses for holidays and such in the future.
The legendary draws
With 4x Syrenth this is now the card that I have the most of, only two more to max. The Grifzi bcx got me to Gold level for that one, so thats nice, even if its just one more speed.
No gold foils, sadly.
Final words
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