Happy Caturday: two orange cats have become closer once again.

in #hive-1503298 days ago

I was very glad to see the two orange cats becoming closer to each other once again. During the period of over six months that Joan migrated to live at my neighbour’s house, I thought he would never come back to see us again. I was also worried that Joan and Kwan would become stranger. My neighbour often opened her gate and left it opened so, next door’s dogs came inside her house and chased after Joan several times.



My gardener told me that Joan was seen running upstairs with big brown dog at his tail. So, Joan was too afraid to live at that house, though the owner gave the cat grilled mackerel! I was quite happy to see Joan back at the house. But his wild instinct made him wandering off for a few hours each day. He seemed to have a secret place for hiding or sleeping in the nearby field. My gardener told me Joan would always turn up for his food on the afternoon.



Kwan also needed her private moments by herself everyday. She would find a good spot to sit in sunshine for a few hours. I noticed that these cats needed to ground themselves by sitting on the grass for up to three hours or on big rock quietly. It was good to know that they also had private sides of life and they could be quite independent. I would be very worried if they depended too much on humans’ company. In this way, I wouldn’t feel guilty when I had to leave them alone for some time. They could get on with their routine life and looked after themselves.



Kwan was feeling ecstatic to have her brother with her in the house. Slowly Joan become warmer towards Kwan and he sometimes came to sit by Kwan. So, Kwan had stopped meowing around the house complaining that she was lonely. She’s quite an expressive cat and could express her emotions with her different tones of meowing. She had a new way to tell me that she’s hungry and that the food bowls were empty. She has taught me something new about her new words. Joan would always keep very quiet and just waited for me to follow him to the kitchen.



The other day, I was shocked to see the big brown dog in my garden. The gardener forgot to shut the side door. But this dog has never come this far from his house before. I had to chase him gentle outside the house as he’s quite a big and strong German dog. Luckily he could recognise me and followed me outside the house. I ting him to go back home. Perhaps he missed chasing my orange cat. I hoped he wouldn’t come to my house again. Fortunately, orange cats were sleeping upstairs. Has he seen my cat, this dog would go crazy and chase the cat to every corner in the garden.



That neighbour always got big German dogs as guard dogs. Somehow, all the dogs were quite neurotic and often attack each other. I wondered whether the ways the people in that house treated these dogs made them behaving erratically. At least they could recognise me and didn’t bark at me while I cycled along the dirt road. I had to remind my gardener to shut the side door properly.



During the flooding in the northern provinces, many animals and pets were casualties. Luckily a voluntary group of people went to rescue cats and dogs from flooded houses with their rowing boat. Several elephants were also swept away in strong currents. Two elephants were drown in the flood. One was drowned as she changed her mind and went back to see her friend at the pen. The water level increased suddenly and she couldn’t sustain her effort in swimming in such strong currents from the mountains.



A blind elephant was being swept away by the water downstream. Two experienced elephant trainers took their own elephants into the river to save the blind elephants. The scene was very tormenting for me as they could all be swept away together. The blind elephant had very sixth sense to know that they were coming to save her and obey their commands. In other scenes, abandoned dogs were almost drowned in their cages as the owners fled without unlocking their cages. Luckily the rowing boat went to rescue them all. All the dogs and cats were so happy to be rescued. Animal lovers donated pet food and money to volunteers working in flooded areas.



I was glad that I was with my orange cats during the flood. My gardener wanted me to leave the house but I couldn’t leave my cats all by themselves in such traumatic situation. I had my stock of dry and canned food to last me over a week. So, I could survive with little discomfort with my cats. My cats became much closer to me after our experience with the sudden flooding. Orange cats would come to sit by my chair and be close to me. So, there were hidden blessings from the terrible flooding in our province. I had learned to listen more carefully to my intuition and inner voice too. They gave me early warnings on several things but I thought they were unlikely to take place. How wrong I was and I ought to respect the old voices more.



Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

Stay strong and cheerful.


Nice to see the two together //

Wow I love seeing those beauties together.
What a story about the elephant and other animal rescue. They must have been so frightened.

I'm so pleased your cats have found each other again.

Thank you very much. I was pleased to see the two cats playing together again.