Market Friday: lunch with old friends at a restaurant in very nice surroundings.

in #hive-1503293 months ago

During the long log down, we stopped meeting up with old friends and all communications seemed to stop during the fearful o of period. At first, I was amused by the strange behaviours were acting out of fear. I saw people wearing masks on the local buses. Some passenger even offered me free masks as they noticed I wasn’t wearing any mask. In the beginning, mask wearing wasn’t enforced widely, the decisions were left to individual’s discretion. But when the two shots of vaxx became compulsory in public and private organisations, masks became compulsory too. I couldn’t visit my friends or go out to coffee shops with friends as they allowed taking home only. My friends just kept to themselves in their houses.




So, it took quite a lot of effort to try to connect with old friends again. I had no ideas what kinds of bad experiences they had to go through; whether anyone in their families had been affected by the various Covid shots. I was very curious and anxious to get some news about my old friends and their families. I had been telling friends and people I knew to stay away from the bioweapon shots. I gave families’ members digital files of suppressed information on the compositions of these shots. But, to my dismay, only two relatives decided not to take the Covid shots after reading the forwarded files. All my close friends were hypnotised by the daily official COVID bulletins. They were driven by fear and confidence in the medical staff.




After the lockdown and half a year later, people started to noticed the increasing numbers of sick people and healthy people suffering from ‘sudden death syndrome. A group of doctors and volunteers started websites to spread alternative information and suppressed reports. After two years, people were more worried about the adverse effects of those shots on their health. People were more willing to listen to contrarian’s information. It became easier for me to tell them about what I had read and done to help some people with Ivermectin and CDS. Some friends started to follow my recommendations on how to detox the spike proteins and graphene oxide including other heavy metals from their bodies.




I tried to connect up with two senior friends who used to be very kind and generous towards me. I wanted to help them with detoxing ideas and to tell them how to monitor the onset of adverse effects of Covid shots. It took me three months to organise a reunion meeting after four years of absence. My friends suggested that we had lunch at a Italian restaurant in the famous hotel in the shopping district in Bangkok.




I was very glad to have the chance to visit this favourite hotel of mine during my younger years. I used to bring my tiny nieces and nephew to have high tea at this hotel so I could train them how to enjoy afternoon tea and behave politely in high society environment. The old name of this hotel was “The Regent Hotel” then it was changed to “Four Seasons”. After the Covid saga, the management was changed again to “Anantara Siam Hotel”. I was glad the interior design and decorations of this hotel had not been drastically changed. This old hotel still maintained the old classic Thai ambience of quiet and friendly vibes. Some modern hotels were just too intimidating or artificial for my liking.



Flower arrangements in this hotel have always been its main attraction. The ‘forest’ garden theme has always been very popular with small children who liked to run around playing hide and seek, including looking at the colourful fish in the streams and big pond at the north side. I use to have coffees with old friends from Singapore in the garden. Visiting this hotel again did bring back memories of good old days. My friend used to have a big shop selling Thai handicrafts and souvenirs in the corner of this courtyard. Nowadays there seemed to be more new and trendy restaurants dotted around the courtyard.




The Italian restaurant where I was supposed to meet two old friends was new to me. But the Japanese restaurant opposite remained the same old restaurant. The range of food on offer at ‘Biscotti’ wasn’t impressive though the collection of wine was very attractive. The economic slowdown meant that all restaurants had to economise and devise more viable menus to remain competitive and survivable. The luxurious choices of long menus and generous buffets were gone. I was quite shocked by the downsizing of choices. In the past, we would have more than ten kinds of desserts to choose from. These days, we were limited to two or three choices only!




The setting of this Italian restaurant was very nice and spacious with the view of the fish pond at the far side. The service was beyond the usual standard. We could ask for warm serviettes instead of cold ones. The new manager was trying hard to please his clients; he went across to the Japanese restaurant to borrow some warm serviettes for us! He told us that he has just started his work at the restaurant and he was working on improving the food and choices of menus. I told him I was disappointed with the cheese bar. He said he was trying to recruit someone to look after the cheese collections.




I was also disappointed with the chocolate cake. The buffets were too limiting for a vegetarian but others would enjoy the cold cuts and crusty pizzas. The open plan of the kitchen was quite attractive and added lively vibes to the quiet restaurant. Though the lobby of the hotel was crowded, most guests preferred to eat outside the hotel. This could make it quite precarious for restaurants’ survival. This visit to the old grand hotel reflected what have been happening in the hotel industry. Drastic changes have forced people to adapt to new reality of slow economic growth and less spending on tourism. I wondered how big new hotels could ever make their huge profits to cover all the running costs.




Older people with money tended to socialise less and less with their friends while younger generations could no longer afford luxurious lifestyles. This also made me question the viability of the huge Chinese project of building train connections throughout Southeast Asia. As the number of population dwindled, so would the disposal income and demand for goods and trades. Half the available consumers would disappear from the earth in the near future from both bioweapon shots and kinetic conflicts.



Both producers and consumers in all countries would become preserved species in twenty years. Much of the earth would be overtaken by nature. Most population on earth would be robots and cyborgs. Life would be very different from what we could perceive nowadays. There would be no need for hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, airports as most new generation of people would live in virtual reality. There would be no need to grow orchids for decorating the lobby of old deserted hotels. I could not share my crazy thoughts with my old friends as they would be freaked out and refuse to see me again.



They were getting old and trying to f Ed joy their moments before all the enjoyment of life would be taken away and locked up by uncertainty in the future. Everyone tried to put on a grave face and accepted that they had been conned into taking the disastrous shots which could reduce the span of their lives at any moment. We all had known people who died of turbo cancer or suffered sudden heart attack or ‘die suddenly’. I was glad to have a reunion with my old friends and had the chance to tell them how to detox from the shots.



I accompanied my friends to the main entrance so they could get on their cars. Then, I had a few more minutes to enjoy the beautiful flowers in the hotel lobby and took some photos for my souvenir. Our lives have been dramatically affected by the plandemic and lockdown. I could see the my friends’s health have been curtailed by their Covid shots. So, I hoped and prayed that they could detox as much as possible. I was grateful that I was led to find suppressed information and a truth seeker including his group of protesters in my country. Many people have been saved by having access to truthful information on the matter. I hope and pray that more people would learn to detox themselves and stay healthy as long as possible.





Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

Stay strong and cheerful.

#marketfriday hosted by @dswigle


Glad you had a nice time! Where are the pictures of pizzas? 🤣

I forgot to take photos of very yummy looking pizzas and the buffet bar! I was too busy chatting with my old friends.
I didn’t take photos of the main course dishes either!