Hello everyone. How are you today? I hope all is well with you and your family. Several days ago in my district there is the buddha image casting ceremony. The buddha image casting ceremony was held in the courtyard of the monument of Phracea Fang and Phranang Sampiew (The king and his wife who ruled ancient city of this district area in the past). This buddha image casting ceremony starts from morning until afternoon. But my wife and I only attended this ceremony in the morning. This buddha image casting is buddha image in the reclining casting. By casting from brass.
This is a sample picture of buddha image in the reclining for the buddha image casting ceremony this time.
My wife and I made merit by buying brass to cast buddha image that day too. In addition there were many people from various villages. (Local Thai people, various hill tribes, Tai-Yai people, and Yunnan Chinese people) come to participate this buddha image casting ceremony and buy brass to cast buddha image. We took the brass and placed them in the officials' tent. And waiting for officials to gradually bring brass to cast buddha image.
While the officials were casting the buddha image. Many monks and novices from various temples pray and religious ceremonies.
Officials are casting a buddha image.
In addition to prayers and religious ceremonies from morning to noon, there are also various traditional dance shows from people in many villages. Such as thai traditional dance shows, northern thai traditional dance shows, traditional dance of hill tribe (Dara-ang) show and traditional dance of hill tribe (Akha) show.
Some thai traditional dance show and northern thai traditional dance show.
Traditional dance of hill tribe (Dara-ang) show.
Traditional dance of hill tribe (Akha) show.
In the afternoon there was also a religious ceremony. But my wife and I did not participate. We have to go to our son at school. These are the stories and photos I want to share for this post. Invite everyone to see and enjoy my stories and photos. Please forgive any errors/mistakes. Have a great day. See you next time. Thank you for your support and visiting my post. Bye 🤗
📷 Take photo By Smartphone Vivo V30.
🌏 Location : Chiang Mai Province, Thailand.