Hello everyone. How are you today? I hope all is well with you and your family. Today is another cool day for us. Today's temperature is around 14°C - 17°C. And so this morning is another foggy day too. There is more fog than every other day. When my wife and I sent our son and granddaughter to school. Vision on the road is quite bad. I had to drive slowly for safety. My granddaughter's school is about 4 kilometers from the house. But my son's school is about 10 kilometers from the house. Of course I have the scenery on the road with fog atmosphere of this journey to share with everyone too. It is highway 107, Chiang Mai - Fang route.
Scenery and atmosphere on highway 107.
Scenery and atmosphere around my son's school.
At first, my wife and I thought we would drive around to see the scenery and atmosphere this morning before going home. But we changed plans and immediately go home because I had to add manure to the longan trees in the longan orchard. My wife's mother and brother were waiting for us at the longan orchard. So we walked to the longan orchard that was about 600 meters from the house. At 8:30 a.m., the atmosphere at that time was still foggy.
The atmosphere in the our village from the house to the longan orchard (600 meters).
Before adding manure to the longan trees at the longan orchard. My wife and I walked to another of our family's plantation. It is about 1 kilometer from the longan orchard. This plantation is now growing corn. Because I want to take everyone to see the atmosphere on my family's corn plantation. On this corn plantation, I, my wife, my mother and my wife's brother grow them together.
Today I was quite busy adding manure to hundreds of longan trees. And had to pick up my son around 1:00 p.m., so I didn't take photos of the atmosphere at the longan orchard. I will take photos and update the longan trees at the longan orchard in other posts.
These are the stories and photos I want to share for this post. Invite everyone to see and enjoy my stories and photos. Please forgive any errors/mistakes. Have a great day. See you next time. Thank you for your support and visiting my post. Bye 🤗
📷 Take photo By Smartphone Vivo V30.
🌏 Location : Chiang Mai Province, Thailand.