Wiz Drip 151. The Truth Lies Behind Your Limited Spectrum of Reality

in #hive-15032920 days ago

Krisz Rokk Wiz Drip - 151 Ripple

Ripple. You close your eyes to withdraw from the eclipse of feelings tormenting the very nature of your spirit, only to recognize the present moment and allow a deep healing. Waves of emotions scattered throughout the ether wash the shores and flow down your spine whispering and breathing.

You pulsate and shape-shift between realities, aligning your fate with masters traveling inter-dimensionally and awakening our musing.

How can we use your oscillating frequency to increase the impact of our actions mirrored in your teachings?

A slight change in your behavioral patterns, belief system, and thinking model will collapse your current worldview and give birth to a plethora of new perspectives that lay dormant in the shadows, waiting for your command to come through.

Never underestimate what you can pursue when you allow your reflection to engage with my presence and see the effects of my virtue.

The truth lies behind your limited spectrum of reality, beautiful soul.

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎


when we find the balance we have to protect it because it is a sacred state. Thank you!