Dealing with sadness

in #hive-1538503 months ago

Sadness is a normal human emotion that creeps up from time to time and sometimes we don't even know what triggers it. Everyone experiences sadness at one point or another and it could be caused by an event that occurred in the past or something in the present. Sometimes, it can even be triggered by something from the future and you might be wondering; "how is that even possible?" I'm not talking about time travel here but what I mean is that thinking about some scenarios that might occur in the future can also lead to sadness.

Everyone has their own way of coping with sadness. For some, it involves staying away from family and friends just to have the time to regain their self. In a way, this can be an indication to know when a person is sad, especially someone who is always social and mingling with people. When such a person suddenly starts keeping to themselves and avoiding loved ones, then sadness might be the cause or in the worst case scenario; depression. After all, sadness is the starting point of depression and I always think of it as a more advanced form of sadness which doesn't go away easily.

Spending time alone when you're sad is actually great but I guess that depends on who you ask. The way I see it, taking a break from interacting with people can help you think properly and quickly pinpoint what is making you sad and even come up with a solution. This might not work for everyone and that's why I said everybody has their way of coping with sadness but the one important thing to always keep in mind is that you should never let go of something that you love and makes you happy. One way I deal with sadness is through video games; just a few hours of playing games and I already feel better, it's like therapy!

It's never a good idea to try and bottle up sadness, especially when you realize you still don't feel better after doing the things you love. One thing you can do is to talk to someone about it and I actually do this sometimes. Once I have something boggling my mind, I don't hesitate to share it with one of my siblings. Sometimes they don't even understand what I'm saying but that's not really the point of me telling them, I just want to unload my mind and I always feel better after doing that. And if there's no one around you to tell, you can always write it down.

Writing is also therapeutic and a lot of people use it as an escape from sadness. I see this a lot on a Nigerian forum called nairaland. People have diaries there where they write about different things every day and everyone can read these diaries. There's this guy who I follow his diary sections because they are actually great and I do learn a thing or two from them. On Sunday, he talked about feeling sad because he felt isolated in the new country he recently moved to. Some people replied to him with encouraging words and yesterday, he posted an update that he is feeling better.

People also do something similar here on Hive and I don't know if a diaries community exists but I have seen some diary-like posts on the daily blog community as well as the rant, complain, talk community. In the end, the important thing is to make sure to find a way to defeat the sadness, either with activities you enjoy, listening to music, talking to someone about it, writing it down or blogging about it. Again, it's perfectly normal to feel sad and need to be alone at times but it becomes a problem when it starts taking over your life, that's how it graduates to something even worse, like depression.

Thanks for reading

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Readcash: @kushyzee

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Second image: Image by mego-studio on Freepik
Third image: personal screenshot

Well, what works for me might not work for you and that is why everyone has their ways of getting away from sadness.
If I don't talk to someone I won't feel ok and the sadness will never go away.

Yeah, same here, I mostly talk to my siblings about it or sometimes I just use video games to cope with it if it's a problem I can't share with another person. Thanks for stopping by

Keep up the good work. 👏

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Just like you, video games are one of my options to getting out of sadness and depressing situations. Yeah sadness is part of the journey of life and it's alright to be sad occasionally, but remaining sad for a long time is what we are fighting against.

It's a normal emotion which everyone goes through but it's important not to dwell too long on it. Thanks for stopping by

Thank you 😊