My Clean Planet Activities Day #216

in #hive-15021019 days ago

Hello everyone,

How are you all doing today lovers of the clean planet, it great to be here with you all today, I'm doing fine and I hope you are all doing great in your various places too. I'm really happy to be with you guys again and I welcome you all to my blog with a great pleasure.

Waking up in the morning and see yourself hare and healthy is a great miracle on it's own, it's a sign that a bright day is ahead and surely the bright day will come it we believe that it will come. Let keep our hope alive and that is what will keep us going. In whatever we are doing let try and put others in consideration, you are try to live fine doesn't mean you should use it to affect others. Their life is also as important as yours.

Before you throw anything in the river think of those that are benefit from it that will be affected if the water get contaminated. Let sort out trash and learn how to take care of our trash and not use our carelessness to affect others, we are all struggle to survive this harsh world.

It's always thanks to those who initiate this amazing community, it in me and many others the opportunity to show our cleaning activities daily and making other people see the important of cleaning.

Here is my cleaning activities for today Wednesday 28th day of August, year 2024 clean planet activity.










A big thanks to @cleanplanet for this great initiative.

Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day


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