BREAKING: ⚡️ Pavel Durov Detained in France!

in #hive-12231523 days ago

Source / Извор: RT News On-Air (Screenshot)

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The Evil Empire strikes again! This time, target is one of the rare Network Apps that did not comply to the Empire’s censorship terror…

Having in mind rampant censorship in the countries under the rule of the Evil Empire – which I deeply despise – I will share full report from the RT News Network which is banned in the NATO colonies:

* * * Telegram founder arrested by French police * * *

August 24th, 2024

Pavel Durov has been detained at Paris-Le Bourget Airport, according to local broadcaster LCI

The Russian founder of the messaging app Telegram, Pavel Durov, has been detained after he arrived in Paris on a private jet, local broadcaster LCI has reported.

Durov, who obtained a French passport in 2021, was arrested at Paris-Le Bourget Airport at around 8pm local time, the outlet said on Saturday. He is also a citizen of the UAE, Saint Kitts and Nevis and his native Russia

His jet arrived in the French capital from Azerbaijan. The 39-year-old had been accompanied by a woman and his bodyguard, it added.

According to LCI, the French authorities issued an arrest warrant for the tech entrepreneur as part of a preliminary investigation. Paris believes that Telegram’s insufficient moderation, its encryption tools and alleged lack of cooperation with police could make Durov complicit of in drug trafficking, pedophilia offenses and fraud, it said.

Broadcaster TF1 claimed that Durov is going to appear before a judge tonight. He could be facing up to 20 years in prison, it added.

READ MORE: EU capital’s government bans Telegram

Due to being a French citizen, the Telegram founder may also face accusations of violating sanctions imposed on Moscow by the EU due to his contacts in Russia.

Durov’s arrest warrant was only legitimate on the territory of France. “He made a mistake tonight. We don’t know why,” a source close to the investigation told TF1-LCI. “In any case, he’s locked up.”


* * *   End of Report   * * *

Source / Извор: RT News On-Air (Screenshot)

My Comment

So, he went for the French citizenship in 2021, because he was afraid of censorship in Russia?! Oh, irony! Now he is faced with the charges of terrorism, complicit to drug trafficking, money laundering, fraud, & child crime content, which can lead to at least 20 years in prison…

Tucker Carlson has interviewed him back in April, and you can still find there many interesting points where Durov explains how the greatest pressure on Telegram was not coming from governments, but from Apple and Google Corporations. Which doeas not mean Governments were not active. Durov was also speaking about US government tactics against him, including FBI agents sent to his home and the US trying to secretly hire his engineer to create a ‘backdoor’ in Telegram!

This may be the end of another virtual oasis of Freedom and Free Speech on the Net, because Telegram was always centralised, and it can be destroyed by a simple pressure at his creator. Personally, I am most interested in all of this, how Pavel Durov – no doubt a smart young guy – despite everything he described in the conversation with Tucker, still concluded that there was no danger for him on the other side of the Iron Curtain?

As soon as Telegram has surpassed one billion users, it has become a deadly threat to the Evil Empire. What will we use if they manage to eliminate it? Of course, our Hive blog, because it has shown some resiliance so far, and a completely decentralized network called Bastyon, parallel to the internet, made by another Russian, Daniel Satchkov.

Unfortunately, freedom is not gained by building censorship-resistant apps. Those who want freedom, will have to fight for it!

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Ah, you beat me to it while i was asleep.

i suggested some decentralised messengers in my post here:
