The Latin American Report # 301

in #hive-12231523 days ago

Ecuador: politics and blood

The new political leaderships that assumed the executive power in Argentina and Ecuador are showing clear signs of immaturity. We will deal with the first case at another time, to concentrate now on the nation led by Daniel Noboa. The Carondelet Palace is in flames after the admission by an electoral judge of a case involving the express president, promoted by none other than vice-president Verónica Abad. The problems between the two date back to the same electoral campaign, and once installed in office Noboa showed off his new power by sending Abad on an anodyne mission to Israel as peace ambassador.

The vice-president has counterattacked at a critical moment for the president: she accuses him of “political gender violence”, a fault that, if judicially confirmed, could generate insurmountable obstacles for his pretensions to seek reelection in 2025. Abad relies on a group of decisions and statements of Noboa and other members of the Executive related to her, which would serve to argue that there is a pattern of persecution and harassment, in part associated with her condition of mother and woman dedicated to politics. The Vice President also has an open process against her before the same Electoral Contentious Tribunal.


Now, I have not forgotten that the title of this issue speaks of “blood”. The point here is that while Noboa and Abad are locked in this internal fight, the Ecuadorian streets have not ceased to be unsafe, not to mention that the other major problems of the country remain untouched. Yesterday, Saturday, three individuals were murdered by hitmen in the violent city of Guayaquil. Authorities report that the victims were addicts used by criminal gangs as “campaneros”: that is, they are supposed to warn when they see police officers in the area. Apparently an oversight in their “mission” cost them their lives.

Also this Saturday four people were killed in a town in the coastal province of Manabí in less than 12 hours. In another province bathed by the sea, Santa Elena, hired assassins killed three people last Friday night, among them a mother and her daughter. During the week five other violent deaths were reported. On August 17, the bodies of six individuals were found bound, tortured and with signs of having been strangled to death in a canton of El Oro. Not even the capital is being spared from the wave of insecurity that continues to ravage Ecuadorian society. Also last weekend three young men were shot to death there. So the people in the Government have much work to be done to be playing dirty politics between Quito and Tel Aviv.

Insane violence (source).

And this is all for our report today. I have referenced the sources dynamically in the text, and remember you can learn how and where to follow the LATAM trail news by reading my work here. Have a nice day.


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