Les Mousérables- A Meowsical

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Les_Mouserables (1).png

I know the silly title is a mouthful, but I couldn't help myself. I don't remember how exactly I came up with this idea for this feline "musical", but once the muse goaded me, I pounced into action.

I've been playing around with cats here and there in writing and art. So why stop now? I asked myself. In keeping with the theme of the French revolution (or thenabouts), I generated images that combined several themes of Victor Hugo's epic novel, Les Misérables, including the clothing style, settings (alley, city, top of buildings, and so on), actions (dancing, burning stuff, smooching, etc) along with various settings that defined the prompt.

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I generated the music using Udio AI music creator. I prompted the software to generate musical scores in various styles, but all of them with the theme of cats. This is why all the auto-generated lyrics have to do with felines, usually doing something in an alley. Some of the results were hilarious, but it was still very impressive how the system could so seamlessly create a musical score in various styles. I chose four songs for the video, respectively as follows:

  • Moonlit Whispers
  • Serenade of the Night
  • Midnight Wanderers
  • Shadows in the Night

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As I mentioned, I played around with the themes of the French revolution and Les Misérables, a work by Victor Hugo. I've never read the novel or seen the opera, but I know the general gist of the story, which is about the struggle against oppression in post-revolutionary France in an event called the June Rebellion (1832). I did not try to recreate the story I just tried to get the general flavour and narrative arc.

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Les Mouserables_Revolution.png

I put the video together in MS Clipchamp.


I experimented a bit more with transitions and narrative. I used them to differentiate key scenes and characters in the video. Transitions also gave cadence and rhythm to the flow of the video, so it was not so linear and monotonous.

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I did encounter some technical and creative difficulties along the way, but I will spare you the details and me the pain of writing it. Suffice to say that I found my way around them (I think), and I hope you enjoyed the final piece. Thank you for checking it out.


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XInLeoInstagramNFT Showroom

Images and music generated using AI software. Video by @litguru

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A whole story of half-human cats!!! Woww how cute is that! The last image is amazing and the video.... that music and everything in general, beautiful!😍

I'm so glad you enjoyed it. This is one of the longest video I've done in this manner, so it was epic putting it together. Thank you! 😸

And it has cats!!!!😍