Movement and Flow

in #pob10 days ago

What is the Tao? This question vexed practitioners in ancient China. They finally decided that the Tao was unknowable and ungraspable by the human ABC neural processor. The thing about this Tao is that one cannot experience it directly in all its glory but can only catch glimpses of it here and there as it flows upon material reality. Through various techniques, Taoists could experience the force more directly, without the symbolic monkey-filters of the rational mind. They also sought to experience the Tao through interaction with the natural world. Some Taoists believed that in the movement of the clouds or swaying of leaves in the wind, for instance, one could see the movement of the underlying mystic force that they called the Tao.

The Great Tao has no form;
It brings forth and raises heaven and earth.
The Great Tao has no feelings;
It regulates the course of the sun and the moon.

The Great Tao has no name;
It raise and nourishes the myriad beings.
I do not know its name-
So I call it Tao.

The Tao can be pure or turbid, moving or tranquil.
Heaven is pure, earth is turbid;
Heaven is moving, earth is tranquil.
The male is moving, the female is tranquil.

From the Qinjing jing (Scripture of Purity and Tranquility)

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Images by @litguru

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Amando siempre tus fotos❤️😘

Muchisimas gracias! Compartiéndolas es todo un placer.🌾🍂

Beautiful video and poem, those little pink flowers moving like in a beautiful dance....!😍

Yes, you're right. The flowers are mesmerizing and after awhile, they look like they're dancing to the sound of the breeze. I enjoy the outdoors. 🌾🍃


💓🌷🌸Perfect Picture

Thank you, @rivereyesmusic. I love the colours of the blooming flowers :)