How Media Influences Perception of Crime

in #hive-1538508 days ago


Critical thinking is necessary to combat the negative effects of media consumption.

This is a publication based on the suggested topic proposed in the Hive Learners community through their discord, which on this occasion is "Glorifying Crime".


"Art is not a mirror to reflect reality, but a hammer with which to shape it."
<< Bertolt Brecht >>

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Today I come to talk to you about a topic that is very interesting and that is glorifying the crime.

Today we live in times in which society likes to consume things quickly, as I have already mentioned in other publications, those dopamine releases from short videos make people stupid and want to obtain immediate rewards, or immediate satisfaction for everything they see.

And the problem with this is that the large television film and media companies have learned to develop ways to capitalize more on users through this type of junk or garbage content, so to speak, and they simply show us , they sell us fictions to attract a greater number of advertisers.

That is their business, it is what they are obviously looking for, through morbidity, the forbidden nature of sex, crime, everything illegal, they capture the attention of a large amount of the public.

The problem with this is that these functional idiots take as true everything they see in these series and in these movies, which are created precisely to capture attention, to make noise.

We have the case or recent examples such as Breaking Bad, which is a series to capture attention, and others that do not deal with crimes but that also attract attention, as an example we have the fact that Disney includes black characters in its productions, as is the case of the little mermaid, Ariel, which caused many controversies.


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The point with all this and speaking of crime, is that glorifying it creates a great controversy and that is what sells, for that reason these big capitalists use it as a way to fill their coffers and make more money.

Personally, I believe that criminal activities should be shown as they are carried out, because this enriches society, allows them to explore how far human minds can go and helps to study people's behavior.

Of course, based on this we can predict what path and direction a country or society will take, this is very interesting and surely many psychiatrists and psychologists will find it fascinating (right @enraizar? 😂 ).

From that point of view I believe that it should be allowed and that it enriches society.

Now, as I have been talking in comments on other posts by my colleagues about this topic, the problem here is educational, people must have a complete and comprehensive education to know how to differentiate between these topics where they glorify crime, like the movie the joker, as a suicide squad, where these criminals who, being anti-heroes, play the role of heroes are glorified.

And the problem I find with this is with these new generations of stupid people who believe that it is cool, that it is trending, that it is cool, to be like these criminals.

Such is the case of Walter White in Breaking Bad or Harley Quinn in suicide squad, or any of the other crime movie cases, like in the joker.


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These types of films that glorify crime do harm to the minds of young people and adults who believe that this is a way to have an easy life, and in this sense romanticizing crime and glorifying it ends up being a crime for its own sake. itself...

This is combated with education, knowing that these are Hollywood productions, that they are only fictions created for entertainment and that in the event that they are documentaries presented as a document to enrich knowledge, people will be able to have a sufficiently defined judgment to realize that they should not follow those steps, and if it is a fairly serious documentary (which there are, we have for example all the documentaries that have been made about the Cecot (terrorism confinement center) which is the President Bukele's special prison in El Salvador, showing the harsh reality and destiny that all these criminals have, the average citizen, the common citizen is going to know that glorifying crime is not going to give him good results and that he is surely going to end up behind prison bars for life, going through many difficulties, without benefits and leading a shitty life.

I think we have to learn to separate reality from fiction, I wouldn't stop them from producing and making films that glorify crime, because at the end of the day this is art and should not be censored, but it should be regulated, But those are very different things, having regulations for this type of films or having to censor them, or preventing films from being made that glorify crime, because the problem is with those who watch the film and not with those who make them.

The problem is the consumer and the interpretation they give to the film, it is their task to be educated enough to know that glorifying crime is simply a fiction and is not the best for their life.

We need more critical thinking and fewer videos, less stupid people who watch 15-second videos and believe everything they are shown there.

That's my conclusion for today's post.


This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).



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The truth is that adult know-how differentiates reality from movies, there are some things movies portray which the criminals escape but in reality, they can't
Although there are ways movies affect our personalities with more guidance, parents can help kids understand movies better.

Education is an important factor, not only in children, but in general. It is necessary to have a critical sense of things, to not believe in any fiction, and that is what happens today, that anyone believes what they see on Tik Tok, YouTube or on social networks.

I haven't watched any of the movies that you have mentioned, so I don't know how the crime is glorified in them. Nevertheless, I agree with you on the point that responsibility lies more on the viewers than on the producers what lesson they drive out of the movie.

Yes, I recommend you watch those movies, they are action and very popular, and they illustrate the theme of the glorification of crime.

People need more critical thinking, especially in these turbulent times.

Critical thinking needs us to invest time in studying various subjects in depth. However, the world has been going more and more towards the spread of things that deprive us of our focus.

Absolutely, it is necessary for people to want to learn, to have that initial intention, and then to form a criterion for thinking critically. Let's see if it is achieved over time, I have little hope of that happening, but I continue to do my part.

I have learnt that doing our part is crucial. We cannot get rid of our responsibility blaming the irresponsibility of other people. My actions might be little, making no significant change. Nevertheless, you never know how your legacy may impact other people.

Yes, life gives many surprises when you least expect it, that is definitely unpredictable. The interesting part of all this is knowing and learning many things along the way. I learn many things every day, lately about Pakistan and its people, for which I am very grateful and pleased.

So you are aware that I am from Pakistan 🤔🙂

You know, through Hive I have come across western people and I have realized that several things we know about west through fiction movies are not the truth. Western people as much concerned about the changes in ideologies as we are.

So you are aware that I am from Pakistan

well i suppose this is true 😀


People from the west have a different way of seeing life. In these parts, the perceptions of different issues (especially those that have to do with ethics and morality) are very cloudy by an alarming amount of the population. Of course, there are many people and everyone thinks in a different way, but in general terms, I can say that I do not fit in with the general behavior of these places, but of course, I am an exceptional case, I think very differently.

I care more about people and their cultures.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@manclar(1/5) tipped @jesuslnrs

So your solution is to make an expensive film (paid for by our taxes, of course) about burning all the Tik Tokers alive to save humanity?
Damn it! It will be really villainous and evil and inspire some youngsters to be the villain of the next film...
Where can I donate to this? 🤓

As an expert named in the publication I will give my opinion, what do I say, I will offer my criteria as an expert on the subject. I will expose the truth, what science says, I will show what the scientific consensus says, the truth of those who know, of the experts. Here it goes:

"History shows that more damage has been done by experts than by movies."

Says an expert.

Long live critical thinking!

Greetings @manclar, good post.

Yes, the trees are always right, because they all see from above, and I see that you have made the matter very scientific with the 80. But I definitely agree with you, that people have judgment is the best thing the world can have . A place where people have judgment, the best thing there can be honestly.


You are right @manclar.


And you are a tree, this time a scientific tree @enraizar 🙂



It's incredible how cool are for you the animated gifs, that for you is like a good flamenco, maybe better! 🤣



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Curated by amberkashif

Nice of you to share this topic. I see this type of entertainment content increasing over the years and my wife and I always wonder how so many criminal ideas can affect society. I sincerely believe that it motivates sinister minds and gives them ideas to make their plans, and boy are we more and more surprised by what we see on TV and what happens in reality. Braking Bad is a great example, but there are many more, even in music videos... This is an interesting publication and to keep cutting through the cloth. Happy weekend!..

Que bueno que compartas este tema!. Veo que con los años aumenta este tipo de contenido de entretenimiento y mi esposa y yo siempre nos preguntamos como tantas ideas criminales pueden afectar a la sociedad. Sinceramente creo que motiva a mentes siniestras y les da ideas para hacer sus planes, y vaya que cada vez nos sorprendemos más de lo que vemos en la TV y lo que pasa en la realidad. Braking Bad es un gran ejemplo, pero hay mucho más, incluso en videos musicales... Esta es una publicación interesante y para seguir cortando tela. ¡Feliz fin de semana!...

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It's terrible Jesus, this matter has me very worried, I see how society is wasting away and falling apart at an accelerated rate. Of course, the media propose these perverse ideas in their series and viewers take ideas from them to put them into practice, believing that these fictions are going to turn out well, and generally they are going to end badly, with their lives ruined, which is the case. of many teenagers.

The most viable solution that I see is education, so that citizens acquire more critical sense and do not allow themselves to be fooled by so much vice and so much fiction in the media.

Happy weekend to you too!

Es terrible Jesús, yo es que este asunto me tiene muy preocupado,, veo como la sociedad se va desgastando y cayendo a pedazos de forma acelerada. Claro, los medios proponen estas ideas perversas en sus series y los televidentes toman ideas de ello para llevarlas a la practica, creyendo que esas ficciones les van a salir bien, y generalmente van a terminar mal, con sus vidas arruinadas, que es el caso de muchos adolescentes.

Yo la solución mas viable que le veo es la educación, que los ciudadanos adquieran mas sentido critico y no se dejen engañar por tanto vicio y tanta ficción en los medios.

Feliz fin de semana para ti también!


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