Phone Photography Contest #17: Vacations [ENG/ESP]

in #hive-1909312 months ago

“A vacation is like love – anticipated with pleasure, experienced with discomfort, and remembered with nostalgia.”

Evan Esar


Vacation, according to the main dictionaries and encyclopedias, is defined as the period in which people temporarily suspend their usual obligations, studies or work, and as a consequence, daily habits are modified to be destined to rest, leisure and tourism.

Many years ago, I traveled with my family to a private club located on the central Venezuelan coast, where we stayed for a few days to enjoy the Christmas season in a beach atmosphere, very much in keeping with our Caribbean ideosyncrasy.

This club, founded in the early 50's, has extensive facilities that include 3 apartment towers to accommodate its members and visitors; swimming pools, sports areas, restaurants, marina for boats, and of course, its beaches, our main reason to visit it.

Las vacaciones, de acuerdo a los principales diccionarios y enciclopedias, se define como el período en el cual las personas suspenden temporalmente sus obligaciones habituales, estudios o trabajos, y como consecuencia de ello, se modifican los hábitos diarios para destinarlos al descanso, el ocio y el turismo.

Hace muchos años atrás, viajé con mi familia a un club privado situado en el litoral central venezolano, donde nos alojamos unos días para disfrutar de la temporada navideña en un ambiente playero, muy acorde con nuestra ideosincracia caribeña.

Este club fundado a principios de la década de los años 50, cuenta con amplias instalaciones que incluyen 3 torres de apartamentos para alojar a sus miembros y visitantes; piscinas, áreas deportivas, restaurantes, marina para las embarcaciones, y por supuesto, sus playas, nuestro principal motivo para visitarlo.

At the time, the older of my two sons was a restless 14-year-old teenager, while my youngest was a mere 8-year-old boy, but the club has enough activities, both day and night, to please visitors of all ages.

During our stay of about 5 or 6 days, during which we did not even leave the club, we sunbathed and bathed in the pools and on the beaches, kayaked, fished off the docks, enjoyed the various restaurants and soda fountains, plus, as it was December, we shared the traditional Venezuelan Christmas dinner, which consists of pork leg, chicken salad, ham bread and the irreplaceable hallaca, a dough made with corn flour, stuffed with a stew of beef, pork, chicken and vegetables, which is cooked in boiling water wrapped in banana leaves and tied to prevent water from entering during cooking and losing its shape.

Although more than a decade has passed since that family trip, I still have in my memories the moments we shared.

En aquel momento, el mayor de mis dos hijos era un inquieto adolescente de 14 años, mientras el menor era un niño de apenas 8, sin embargo, el club cuenta con suficientes actividades, tanto diurnas como nocturnas, para complacer a visitantes de todas las edades.

Durante nuestra permanencia de unos 5 o 6 días, durante el cual ni siquiera salimos del club, tomamos sol y nos bañamos en las piscinas y en las playas, navegamos en kayak, pescamos a orilla de los muelles, disfrutamos de los diversos restaurantes y fuentes de soda, además, como era Diciembre, compartimos la tradicional cena navideña venezolana, la cual consiste de pernil de cerdo, ensalada de gallina, pan de jamón y la insustituible hallaca, una masa elaborada con harina de maíz, rellena con un guiso de carne de res, cerdo, gallina o pollo, vegetales, que se cocina en agua hirviendo envuelta en hojas de plátano y atada para evitar que entre el agua durante la cocción y pierda su forma.

A pesar de que ha transcurrido más de una década de aquel viaje familiar, aún tengo presente enmis recuerdos los momentos que compartimos.

All the Photos are of my Authorship, as well as the Edition of the same ones.

This is my entry for the Phone Photography Contest. This is an initiative of @untilwelearn.


Camera: BlackBerry 8900
Photo Editor: Picsart / Snapseed
Location: Naiguatá, Vargas, Venezuela
Date: December 2010

Si les gustó este Post, los invito a apoyar mi trabajo siguiendo mi cuenta @manuelgil64 dejando sus comentarios y votando



These are super fun photos. I'm sure these memories will be etched forever in your heart. Even the food, you remember well. 😊 I can't help not to imagine how the kids look like now after a decade. Have a nice day!

Undoubtedly, there are moments that will always remain in our hearts, no matter how much time passes.

Thanks a lot! 😃

Wow, great memories.. I recognized your children immediately because their faces are exactly alike. :) I can see you all had a lot of fun, plan such vacations more often. 😄 Stya Blessed!

😂😂😂 Thank you for your kind words!