He's actually back...

in #music16 days ago

When I was a young lad, you could say that Creed was one of those bands that was never missing from any playlist of mine. Some of the songs became anthems to my generation, and it was heartbreaking when Creed ended abruptly.

he can sing again.jpg

But as they say... all good things must come to an end. The relationship between Scott and his bandmates was so bad, it became apparent the band could not continue.

He tried on his own...

Many years later Scott attempted a comeback and worked on a personal project with a new band. But, as you can imagine, it failed miserably.

The music was so bad, and his voice so "not there", I sincerely thought I had seen the end of his story.

How many times have I seen musicians attempt a comeback and flop miserably. Musicians who are simply unable to connect back to their initial spark?

What happened to Scott?

Some years ago I remember running across a video of Scott talking absolute nonsense. It seemed to me he was tripping on something, but all I can find online is that he got hooked on adderall for a while, something that I find insufficient to his apparent mental breakdown.

As someone who gave it a go, who tried to live off music, Scott's story resonated with me. Coming from a working family, working in a restaurant (like me) and making it through hard work was part of the reason that I stayed inspired though many nights of playing in smoke filled bars and venues. Seeing him falling off the wagon, apparently losing everything took some wind off my sails, if I'm honest.

His voice is back, how?

I had heard on a video a while ago that Scott after touching rock bottom had gotten help. He got clean, and stopped believing in the crazy conspiracies he was rambling about on those now infamous videos.

That being said, I never thought he would not only get back together with the band, but also regain his vocals along the way.

As it turns out 2024 is the best year ever for CREED and it's not only nostalgia. They are kicking ass like they used to.

This live performance blew my mind!

Aside from the wrinkles, there's nothing different happening here. The guitar tone, the voice, the feels, it's all there.

At any rate...

Felt like sharing

There might be a 40 something, like me, who has no idea one of our generation's most iconic bands is back in the game. And, good news is always a great way to start off a year.



Was recently at a wedding and the groom was a huge Creed fan…was fun watching all these mid 20 year olds belting out Creed lyrics during the reception.

this gives me hope! lol