Shortscale Bass Design

in #luthier12 days ago

Technically this is video numero 2 on the subject, but the first one was more or less the boring math part of it all. That being said, even thought this one is pretty long, It's also pretty thorough as I attempt to explain all of my choices here.

I would like some feedback on how I should finish it.

As always, grateful for the feedback.

Cheers my friends



That looks sweet. I like all the body shaping that makes it more organic. I think it could look nice in a red stain. I could tell it was light from how you handled it. It's definitely going to be unique. Do you think the wood bridge gives a more acoustic sound?

When it comes to basses, the acoustic upright sound can be gotten with two "tricks" if you will. One, you can put a little bit of foam under the strings close to the bridge. The foam has to be tight, but not super tight, so that the thump rings but very shortly. And two, you can use flatwounds strings, which take away the clanky attack..

Now, if you use a wooden bridge, something a bit soft and make the strings contact the softer surface, you would effectively be getting closer to that thumpy sound... The problem would be the wear and tear...