The mileage of my car displayed a rather special value, 40901, while I drove today. For some, it could just seem like any other number, but to me it was a significant coincidence. It brought back my birthday on January 9th, 09/01, and the reality that I am starting my forty years. When you break it down—40, 9, and 01—the number seems to have a personal message and popped as I was driving. Sure, I was driving slowly. Just before the "1" changed to a "2," I hurriedly requested my wife to get her phone ready in camera mode and took a picture. In a sense, my car was wishing me a happy birthday in its own way!
People think forty is when life starts. You believe that to be accurate? While some individuals would not agree, others would. I find it logical in some ways. Perhaps this is because many people by this age have enough life experience to make wise decisions. Perhaps it's because they feel more steady in their employment. Of course, it is not the case for everyone. Still, one thing that most people around this age find particularly noteworthy is growing awareness of their health.
Meniere's disease was the diagnosis given to me for something I had never even heard of before as my thirtys were almost over. Although I never imagined this disease would cause abrupt loss of balance, it occurred multiple times last year. It let me see how unpredictable aging-related health problems may be. Friends in their late 40s and early 50s have also related similar stories to me. They claim that after they turned forty, fresh health problems began to show up; today, even more problems are arising in their 50s.
I have to treat myself better. This year, one of my objectives is to get to bed more often sooner. Here's hoping!