No Coffee In Bed on my Narrowboat

in #hive-1525243 months ago


"You may eat in my bed, but only if you're eating me." — Milly

Coffee mornings, time in nature, sex, and experiencing love are some of the most soul-satisfying things in life. However, coffee in bed does not appeal to me—I associate my bedroom with other things, not food, unless it's as stated above. So, upon rising, my first cup of coffee in the morning is always at my dining table, where I like to sit with the front doors open, looking out at the nature surrounding the canals.

2.jpgSpooning ;)

Sitting down for breakfast is the most relaxing time for me when I take deep breaths, take small bites, and chew my meal mindfully. My eyes rotate to the movements of birds and other wildlife, while my heart smiles at the exciting sounds of chirping birds as I hold my warm cup of coffee.

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I don't always have breakfast with my husband, but I do enjoy quiet solo breakfast mornings too. On mornings like these, I sometimes play soft background music if it fits my mood, and the song Coffee in the Morning, by Miguel, is the first on my automatic playlist, which acts as an aphrodisiac with coffee, and it leaves me having healthy sexual fantasies.

I even like to take casual glances at the music video; after all, the song is indeed about coffee, sex, and love, with a dark, gritty, artsy undertone. Watching this video is heartwarming, and it makes me thankful for the love and desire that I feel for my husband.

This mellow mood, while slowly sipping my coffee, accentuates my breakfast and makes everything more delicious.
I continue my musical flow with this song that encapsulates everything that I believe in, and I play it on repeat throughout breakfast—Simple Things by Miguel.

While dining, I wish I could time-travel back to being a teenager.


"I would handwrite a letter with the lyrics of this song, spill coffee over the page, dry the page in the sun, seal the envelope, and make a wish for someone just like my husband."


I listen to this song daily, and it's become my daily mantra. It expresses how I truly feel about life, and the lyrics, melody, and beats of the song remind me to slow down and take the time to appreciate the simple things that bring true happiness to my life.


This has been a response to the #STB Writing Prompt in the Cinnamon Cup Coffee community. Why don't you check it out? I'd love to hear about your likes or dislikes about having coffee in bed.

Written by Camille Forbush-23.jpg

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I think it's a very healthy way to start the day: coffee and fantasies... It looks like there's action on that boat because those creatures can be seen snooping around {LOL}.

We joke all the time that the Swans can read the name of our boat, Cygnet because the cygnets sure love to follow us and tarry around our boat:)))

I was expecting a coffee post with something similar to the act of brewing. But I see I stumped on a raunchy version 😂✨

But I see I stumped on a raunchy version 😂✨

Yes, coffee does that, you know? 😂

Beautiful post Milly!
Funny, that Coffee Tune from Miguel is on one of my old DJ Mixes that I have been listening to for years...😊

Thank you 😍

Yeah, Miquel is a vibe! 🙌😁

You're welcome😉

🙌 😊


I share the taste that the bed is for what it was created for, to sleep, although sometimes (very few) I dare to drink coffee in it.

I enjoy coffee when I am accompanied, but I also do it when I am alone, and even more when it rains and I can see the raindrops fall on the plants, it is a nice feeling, and if you add a pleasant and pleasant to the sensation of being alone, I enjoy it even more.

How nice your experience with love music and coffee.💞

Thank you 😊
I'm pleased you like this post and could relate to what I feel.😍
It's all the simple things, heh?

Yes, in fact, I really enjoy those little moments, which are also very valuable.✨

Actually, this life can be enjoyed well, this song really makes mom happy and enjoys it well, I hope your day is fun ❤️😍

Thanks for stopping by:)

Thank you very much for coming back😍

You have a very nice ritual, which makes you enjoy your sunrise.🤗

Yes, indeed 😊

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Thanks for the stats, as always @hivebuzz :)

You're unstoppable @millycf1976! We'll be here cheering you on every step of the way!

You're such a great motivator:)

Wow, I just love your coffee setting already, taking coffee and staring at nature is one of my favourite moments too, I see you love good music too and your images are beautiful. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

I'm pleased that you enjoy this. It's rare, but I'm moored at a spot where I'm sandwiched between two boats, so I had to take the photo from the side of the boat to not be intrusive to my neighbours. It's a lovely view 360° view though, and a swan family came to knock on my boat for food. It's simply beautiful and makes me smile to live this say :)))

You got me laughing right from the beginning of your post and truly, a bedroom isn't dinning but someone like me is fond of sipping my coffee in the bedroom especially on cold mornings when I don't even feel like getting out of bed.

If I had a beautiful view of nature right in front of my dining room, I would definitely want to sip my coffee while looking at the sky, birds, trees and others.

The songs don't sound familiar but I can relate to their effects after listening just once.

Cheers to a beautiful week and regards to hubby...

especially on cold mornings

Cold mornings in Nigeria? Haha! You are sounding like a Jamaican there! Whenever there's a slight drop in the temperature, everyone thinks that they are gonna freeze to death, lol.

I'm pleased you saw the humour in my post. I sometimes take risks when I think I can get away unnoticed 🤗

Cheers to a great week ahead:)))

You got me... That's true, the cold morning here actually means nothing over there but we still act like it's snowing outside.

Looking forward to having my first winter experience, that would be the real cold. There is no way I am coming to experience that without a lot of pepper soup powder and dried catfish.

Hot coffee will help a lot too...

But we still act like it's snowing outside.

😂 I know 🤣

Looking forward to having my first winter experience

Careful what you wish for... joking! It would be great if you get the chance to someday 🤞

without a lot of pepper soup powder and dried catfish.

That sounds amazing!

Yes, coffee becomes your hug in a mug in cold miserable climate:)))

You may eat in my bed, but only if you're eating me

Hahahahaha, that's,(人 •͈ᴗ•͈).

But yes, coffee in bed is not so appealing. I want to have coffee in a table, where if I ever spilled a coffee, I only have to clean it with a piece of clothes. Unlike if it happened in bed, you might end up cleaning the whole bed. Your kind of view on your eating and coffee time is pretty. It is more enjoyable that way, and only the chirping of the birds and the sound of utensils is can be heard, or it can be a favorite song too.

I love your emoji 😍

You are so right about the need to clean the entire bed if there's a spill. The effort it would take to prevent spillage would cause me more stress than needed, so I'd rather just get out of bed:)

Thanks for your lovely message:)))

I'm aure you have this too in your keyboard ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

Hehe! Maybe, and now that you mention it, I stumbled upon some similar ones on my phone recently. I should check them out :)))

You should, you can find more cute emojis in there



You describe your mornings and I am filled with peace. This is how coffee should be enjoyed. Just this week I commented to my wife that I now prefer to have my coffee apart from breakfast, because boy do I focus on every sip and enjoy it. The only difference is that if I have to drink it in my room, our apartment is very small and I don't have a table available, but the rest of the feeling is similar, background music and all. I know your song (mantra) but any melody will do for me..... I enjoyed reading you, as always ❤️

It's great to hear that you enjoy your coffee mornings, despite having a small room.
Your comment is thoughtful and sweet and made me smile.
Have a lovely week ahead:)))

Let's leave the bedroom alone. If there's a hat on the door knob don't knock and certainly don't come in, hehe. Joke aside yes no coffee nor food in bed. I've never done breakfast in bed nor will ever do, never understood why some see it as romantic. The bed sheets are simply not a table cloth!!

If there's a hat on the doorknob don't knock and certainly don't come in


Yeah, I can't see anything romantic about being served breakfast or food in bed. That's like being treated as an invalid or what you get in a hospital. 😆

The bed sheets are simply not a table cloth!!



Yeppps, no food in bed. 😉

I can only imagine your morning view, but that sounds lovely. Nothing bettee that enjoying nature while having coffee.

Yeppps, no food in bed. 😉


Yes, coffee mornings in nature are awesome, especially when the sun is out and a swan family stops by:)))

It's really beautiful to be able to enjoy nature and the view while enjoying your first cup of coffee.

Thank goodness you have the rules of the bed very clear 🤭.... It's awesome to appreciate the simple, senciql and what this life is really worth. Thanks for the tour of your coffee ritual. !HUG 💜☕😘
!discovery 40

Thanks for your lovely message Chacald!
Yes, the simple things in life will always be my favourites. I think it all helps to keep my mind young.
Have a lovely day😍💚☕️

Dear @millycf1976, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @chacald.dcymt.

"You may eat in my bed, but only if you're eating me."

I was like what?! Hehe. One of my best friends said something similar to her husband! Later on, she had a huge argument with him because he liked to smoke in bed. He stopped, but then wanted to eat chocolate and snacks in bed while watching TV. She was about to lose it, and I totally understood her concern. Anyway, I don't allow food in the bedroom, and I can tell coffee in bed doesn't work much for me, as I like to watch the day through the window while drinking my first coffee and petting my cats. But when I'm not at home, I've found that I do enjoy it.

I didn't know this singer, but I think I understand the feelings you describe. Miguel has a nice voice, and though his it's not my kind of music, I could enjoy it if it's playing. Smooth.

Have a nice week ahead, awesome @millycf1976 ☕️❤️


I'm just not a breakfast or TV-in-bed person. I think your friend's husband lost the plot for smoking in bed, and worst chocolate and snacks. The bad habits of some people are appalling.

Coffee while stroking a cat is fulfilling, especially if it's just the two of you.

Miguel - Many years ago, he stayed at the resort where I worked and the girls went crazy. I had no knowledge of him back then, so I even went to see him perform at the Air Jamaica Jazz and Blues Festival and still didn't see the appeal. Gosh, I've grown to like Miguel's music and personality so much.
He's half Mexican with a unique style and persona, as well as a unique and distinct voice.
Have a lovely week ahead, too ☕️❤️

"You may eat in my bed, but only if you're eating me." — Milly

Would go great as one of those embroidered wall decorations, to hang above the bed :)))

100% on the eating in bed. IDK who came up with the "it's romantic" nonsense. It's gross is what it is. I worked for years doing copy for a bug company. It really brought it home that if you eat around like that, you get crumbs, and crumbs mean cockroaches. So f-- romance on that one :)))

Would go great as one of those embroidered wall decorations, to hang above the bed :)))

That's a brilliant idea!

My girlfriend runs a pest control business in Jamaica, she's a real terminator towards everything in life... the perfect example of a black and white person. I'd love to hear her take on the topic.

Breakfast in bed has a trammelling connotation.

I value and exercise my freedom, and I can't imagine myself being held captive and having to endure things that go against my will, my existence, and my zest for life :)))

Nope. Can't imagine you doing that, either ;)


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Thank you so much @discovery-it :)

That was a great morning, with a great awakening and above all being able to enjoy that good freshly brewed coffee, where moments like that are unique and you have to be grateful and happy every time you stop. I also like to enjoy coffee in the dining room, since my mom or dad is there and that way I can chat for a while before starting to do any of the day's activities. I'll look for that song and have a great day.

Thank you.
Yes, it's rare to not have a great morning on the canals.

I think you might find some Miguel songs that you like because he's half Mexican and also sings in Spanish:)

Excellent, thanks for the recommendation.

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