Today the city was covered in snow. It was one of those just around freezing wet snows that sticks. The bus refused to go up our hill and made my commute a little difficult, but it was kind of fun to splosh around in the snow.
It seems like it was just a few ago that we had a record breaking hot October and now we have an early winter.
Do you know what that means?
I don't know where he is and what he did with Autumn, but I would like to have it back.
I wouldn't mind a few more green grass and dandelion days.
Oh well,
They're gone.
It could be worse. I could have to walk through a meter of snow to get to work or get stuck spinning my tires out on a hill.
Seoul doesn't get much of a winter compared to Chicago. The snow usually melts within 24 hours. It's supposed to go below freezing tonight so I will have to shovel the snow in front of the house before I get home.
I know this is nothing compared to some of my Canadian friends, but this is the truth. Seoul has some kind of winter. All the bugs finally die and the plants go to sleep. For a couple months I don't see any green, then it's all back again.
The kids love the winter and it is said that dogs also like winter snow. I'm not sure.
I am sure that the kids in our school have a blast in the snow. They just can't concentrate in class much. I had to close the blinds to keep them looking out the window. Some kids wanted to go outside and some didn't. They said they were sick. Sad kids... but during lunch break a lot of kids did run outside in the snow.
This morning going to work I was kind of grumpy to have snow so early, but it's worth it to see the smiling faces.