Boris Say the Name
This is a 1986 techno mix of the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show produced by Dean Anderson in Chicago. He published on Trax Records under his DJ name "Boris Badenouch". Chicago underground stations went nuts in 1986 with this song.
It's said that Dean produced this song as a burn to Rocky Jones, a record producer in Chicago. Sounds like a likely story.
Boris Needs Goof Gas
Today I can't listen to this song without thinking about Boris Johnson. My kids both say that he walked right out of Hogwarts. They like to hear him speak because they think the British accent is cool. But he is going to need more than a cool accent and Hogwarts's appearance.
That's why we dug up the "Goof Gas" episode of 1963 at the peak of the Cold War Missile Crises. At that time this comedy was cutting edge. It cracked up even the voice actors, but there is a powerful meaning in this episode. A little laughter goes a long way... and Rocky Raccoon is a roasted American Hero.
Lot's of Laughs
It also gives insight into the making of an audio recording for a cartoon skit. The voice actors had at least as much fun or even more fun in recording the skit than the audience got in watching the skit.
We need more
As times get difficult to understand we need more creators who can take a stand and with a little creativity and humor bring some non offensive laughter into the world.
I am impressed these days at the changes in South Park. It took them 24 seasons but I think South Park is getting close to a cartoon commentary worth watching.