A Sad Shift

in #hive-14008417 days ago

For some reasons, I will be letting go of some of my activities, like the freelancing path I once pursued. Not that I’m leaving it completely, but I’ll be putting it on hold to help ease my workload.

As sad as that may sound, I believe it’s for the best because it’s better to focus on one thing and go all in than to spread your energy across countless endeavors. While it’s good to diversify your investments, I wouldn’t say the same for your energy.

Energy Is Limited

As much as I hate to put things on hold for now, I’ll be using that time to focus on just one thing: working offline. The farm, for instance, has been in bad shape since the last time I was there.

My dad knows I’m someone who dislikes farming activities, but since I’m the only one entrusted with this responsibility, I have no other choice but to accept the reality of things.

First, I won’t be doing much work there, but I will still be making some calls for tasks that are simple and mundane for me. For example, the plantains we have are due for harvest and replanting. This is something that the worker we hired won’t be attending to, as he’s only entrusted with managing the cocoa trees (hope that’s correct).

Everything else on the farm, except that, is in our care. Even the pear fruits are already making a mess on the ground because there’s no one to pick them before they rot.

Heavy is the head

Right now, I feel overwhelmed. I even have a job within the FreeCompliments community that needs my attention, and I’m in a really tight spot already. But then, I can’t complain—this is the path I chose.

With all that being said, my email marketing class needs to be dropped at this point to relieve the heavy burden on my shoulders.

I honestly would have loved to keep up with everything, but I have only limited energy to tackle it all. Hopefully, things get better sooner rather than later, but for now, it’s time to take two steps back, reassess, and rearrange things in a less exhausting order.

Thanks for reading