One Sided

in #hive-14008418 days ago

For some time now, I’ve been mostly busy with work, leaving me with little time to connect with friends, both online and offline.

Nowadays, I barely even try to publish a post a day, which wasn’t the case a few weeks ago. Just last week, I only managed to write for three days.

Yet, some people I’ve been in physical contact with think I’ve been purposely avoiding them, so when they see me, they act surprised.

Interestingly, I used to be the one who always visited them, so now that I don’t, there’s no way for them to connect with me. I was the one initiating contact by going to their place.

Noticing this made me think about why I’ve always been the one reaching out, without anyone trying to reach out to me unless they needed something.

As a result of my busy schedule, I’ve come to realize that our relationship has been one-sided, which isn’t a relationship at all because it felt like I was the one in need of their companionship.

After reflecting on this, I’ve now purposely grounded myself in my own company and try to embrace my solitude.

In life, we sometimes engage with people whom we think care about us, but in the end, they only want us for what we can do for them, not for what they can offer in return.

It is parasitic in nature.

This is how many relationships are these days, where one person is always the one in need of the other. They tend to reach out only when they need help.

There’s nothing wrong with needing someone’s help, but if the person you’re depending on is the only one reaching out, without you offering real companionship, then sooner or later, they’ll grow tired of the relationship and move on to something or someone else.

Perhaps this is a human thing, but I still feel we can do better, even though it won’t be easy.