The Moment of Opportunity

in #hive-140084last month

I have been in the crypto space for some time now and if I have learned one thing about the market, it is the fact that it goes in circles.

This cycles of moving from bull to bear and from bear to bull is what many people, especially newbies in the market, are not aware of, neither is anyone talking about this as often as they should.

What we hear influencers talk about is just how to make life-changing money.

The issue with the cryptocurrency market is not about making money per se, but rather how you can keep it and keep making it without any issue?

During the last bull market in 2021, there were so many young people who made a killing. In some clubs in Las Vegas, Florida and many more states in the U.S. it was recorded that the crypto nerds were one of the biggest ballers and customers.

I'm some areas there were cases where these young adults, mostly in their 19's to 20s were spending at least $50k in a day clubbing and balling out all their money which was made from the cryptocurrency boom.

Assuming these sets of customers were one of their regular VIPs then it wouldn't have made the news, but during the boom a lot of youngers started to live the luxury life and forgot how they started investing in crypto with pennies.

But then all the cruise and lavish life ended when the bear came, and that was when reality starts to set in. This was when they stopped seeing these crypto nerds in the clubs because now that the market has moved to another cycle of downward trend, there was not enough money to sustain talkless of balling out like they used to.

This left many crypto millionaires during that time to start all over from scratch.

Their moment of Opportunity was blown away due to a pot of factors, which I believe knowledge is one of them. Here in the crypto space the terminologies and basic knowledge is what I believe many people lack that even if they were able to make a lot of money without the knowledge behind this space, it'll make you be susceptible to losing it if care is jot taken.

Presently, another moment of Opportunity is about to hit us very soon and i this is why now is the time to accumulate more token foe when the bull market comes. When that time comes im already planning ways to secure my profits, and recycle them to the next cycle to bag more opportunity.



Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

Thank you for your support. 🤗♥️

Rightly explained the importance of basic knowledge as well as the patience to accumulate maximum and grab the opportunity as soon as it is available. Game of sheer smartness and patience with an awesome strategy. Have a wonderful day.

Exactly. Knowledge is power and the answer to every solution you will ever need.