Something that we ignore the most in our life is our own-self. We get so busy in taking care of everyone around us and everything around us that our own-self takes a back seat in it. In our life at every stage, we have responsibilities and we cannot ignore them but does that mean we ignore our own-self? There are so many women who get so busy taking care of their children, parents, husband and the day to day domestic issues and in all of this bargain the most that gets impacted is her own health and well-being.
Why do we take our body so much for granted? It surely cannot keep going on without care. If we have to think it technically then we can think it as a highly sophisticated machine and every machine needs servicing on a regular basis. But if we want to think it spiritually then we must understand that this body is a gift from the Universe to us and it comes from nature and goes back to nature, at the end of it we all go back to Mother Earth, so is it like something that we are given on a temporary basis and we have to give it back, and when something is gifted to us and it's time to return back then we must ensure that we return it back in good condition, but majorly it does not happen that way. Imagine the pain that mother Earth must be going through and yet she embraces all of it.
I am not going to talk about how to take care, but I just want to talk about the mindfulness that we must create and why. Some times when I am to myself and I touch my own-self I feel so wonderful with this touch and the feelings and emotions that the touch brings to me. In the whole of this Universe there are no humans found, so are we not just special, but we are extraordinary. In the after life experiences noted also there is no physical presence beyond, just not physical but there is no presence of emotions also.
The gifts of senses and emotions is all just in this physical form, We express ourselves in so many ways, the joy that out heart feels in happiness is immense, the sorrow we feel in pain is also unique, all of these emotions allow us to grow spiritually. The body experiences all of this when it is at it's optimal health. When mindfulness becomes a regular practice then we automatically start taking care of our physical self, because a deep understanding starts developing on what's right for me.
Personally I am very mindful about my self-care but we all have weaknesses and to make an honest confession, I do enjoy drinking alcohol occasionally. Since sometime now I have brought in mindfulness in this habit. I make it a point to not consume it more then twice a month. When I have it, I reduce the quantity of the alcohol to bare minimum just so that I get a little taste of it. I majorly stick to consuming Vodka, which I have it with water and I squeeze lime in it to get some flavor. Lately I found Rice Vodka, so I got that and it's nice. I love to have wine, so not completely neglecting my love for it, I have a glass of wine once in 2 months. Also before consuming alcohol I take detox supplements which kind of allows a lot of it to get flushed out, but still one must understands that body does absorb it also.
We also enjoy indulging in foods that are not good for us, but by bringing a little mindfulness we can reduce the potential high risks that these bad foods bring to us.
After all good health is the real wealth.
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