A lie to avoid worse damage / Una mentira para evitar daños mayores [English / Spanish].

in #hive-1538503 months ago

A lie, no matter how small, can have a significant impact on our lives. Sometimes, we lie for convenience, to avoid conflict or to protect those we love. When faced with moral dilemmas, we often find ourselves at the crossroads of telling a lie for a good reason.

I have told white lies in some cases, such as saying that I like a gift when it is not really something I really want or need. Or I say that you are not hungry, but that it is delicious, before the dish that a friend or a relative offers me and that you did not like it at all. In doing so, I show appreciation for the gesture of the gift, or thank the cook for his or her effort, and avoid hurting their feelings.

Una mentira, por pequeña que sea, puede tener un impacto significativo en nuestras vidas. A veces, mentimos por conveniencia, para evitar conflictos o para proteger a quienes amamos. Cuando nos vemos enfrentados a dilemas morales, a menudo nos vemos en la encrucijada de decir una mentira por una buena razón.

He dicho mentiras piadosas o blan en algunos casos;como por ejemplo decir que me te gusta un regalo cuando en realidad no es de mi agrado ya que realmente es algo que realmente quiera o necesite. O digoe no tienes hambre, pero que está delicioso, ante el plato que me ofrece un amigo o un familiar y que no te ha gustado nada. Con ello, muestro aprecio por el gesto del regalo, o agradezco el esfuerzo del cocinero, y evito herir sus sentimientos.


In the same way I have told someone that the clothes or hairstyle suits her, even if I don't like a friend's new haircut, or a dress she has bought with all her illusion. This is a white lie I use to preserve the other's self-esteem.

De igual manera le he dicho a alguien que le sienta bien la ropa o el peinado, aunque no me guste el nuevo corte de pelo de una amiga, o un vestido que se ha comprado con toda la ilusión. Esta es una mentira blanca que utilizo para preservar la autoestima del otro.



I have feigned interest when talking to someone about a topic I am not interested in so as not to put the other person off. I have said I am fine when that is not true, especially if I don't want to worry the other person with my problems or concerns.

He fingido interés al hablar con alguien sobre un tema que no me interesa para no desanimar a la otra persona. He dicho que estoy bien cuando eso no es cierto, especialmente si no quiero preocupar a la otra persona con mis problemas o preocupaciones.


I have lied to another person to preserve the safety of a friend or relative.

In my case, I remember an occasion when I was forced to tell a lie to protect a loved one from potential harm. It was a difficult and stressful situation, but at the time I felt it was the only choice I had. although I felt guilty at first, in the end I knew I had done the right thing.

The story I remember clearly occurred a few years ago, when a close friend of mine was going through a difficult time in her life. My friend was in a toxic relationship with her partner. I knew this person was no good for her, but she was so in love that she didn't want to see the reality.

Le he mentido a otra persona para preservar la seguridad de algún amigo o conocido.

En mi caso, recuerdo una ocasión en la que me vi obligado a decir una mentira para proteger a un ser querido de un daño potencial. Fue una situación difícil y llena de tensiones, pero en ese momento sentí que era la única opción que tenía. aunque al principio me sentí culpable, al final supe que había hecho lo correcto.

La historia que recuerdo con claridad ocurrió hace algunos años, cuando una amiga cercana estaba pasando por un momento difícil en su vida. Mi amiga se encontraba en una relación tóxica con su pareja. Yo sabía que esta persona no era buena para ella, pero ella estaba tan enamorada que no quería ver la realidad.


One day, her partner asked me a direct question about how I viewed her relationship with my friend, and in that instant I knew I had to make a crucial decision.I decided to tell my friend's partner that I saw their relationship as positive and healthy, despite my own doubts about it. I lied to protect my friend from an argument that I knew would only make things worse. After the lie, I felt terribly guilty. I felt I had betrayed my own principles and my friendship by saying something that wasn't true.

Un día, su pareja me hizo una pregunta directa sobre cómo veía su relación con mi amiga, y en ese instante supe que debía tomar una decisión crucial.Decidí decirle a la pareja de mi amiga que veía su relación como algo positivo y saludable, a pesar de mis propias dudas al respecto. Mentí para proteger a mi amiga de una discusión que sabía que solo empeoraría las cosas. Después de la mentira, me sentí terriblemente culpable. Sentía que había traicionado mis propios principios y mi amistad al decir algo que no era cierto.


Image by Mariana Anatoneag from Pixabay

As time passed, the truth came out and my friend finally realized the situation she was in. Although at first there was pain and resentment over time my friend understood that my lie had stemmed from a pure intention to protect her. After revealing the truth to my friend about the lie I had told her partner, I was relieved that everything had turned out okay. I had made the right decision in lying to her to protect her, and that gave me peace of mind. I learned that sometimes telling a lie for a good reason may be necessary to avoid further damage.

If faced with the same choice in the future, I would definitely make the same decision. I firmly believe that the truth is important, but in situations where you are in danger, lying for someone's well-being may be justifiable. It is important to remember that lies should be used cautiously and responsibly, and always with the intention of protecting those we love.

The story of the lie I told my friend to protect her was an experience that taught me the importance of acting ethically and with empathy for others. Although I felt guilty at first, in the end I knew I had done the right thing by saving her from a fierce argument that could have ended in physical harm. Sometimes, lies can be a tool to protect those we love, and in certain circumstances, they can be the best option. The key is to use them wisely and with the right intention.

This is my participation in this opportunity in the Hive Learners community, and the topic to be developed is the following:

“The Good Lie: Tell us about a time you told a lie but it was for a good reason. It could have been to save yourself or a loved one, or it could have been to stop them from making a terrible mistake. How did you feel about the lie afterward? Did you later reveal the lie? Did it change anything? If faced with the same choice, will you make the same decision? Let us know.

Con el paso del tiempo, la verdad salió a la luz y mi amiga finalmente se dio cuenta de la situación en la que se encontraba. Aunque al principio hubo dolor y resentimiento con el tiempo mi amiga entendió que mi mentira había surgido de una intención pura de protegerla. Después de revelarle la verdad a mi amiga sobre la mentira que le había contado a su pareja, me sentí aliviado de que todo hubiera salido bien. Había tomado la decisión correcta al mentirle para protegerla, y eso me dio paz interior. Aprendí que a veces, decir una mentira por una buena razón puede ser necesario para evitar daños mayores.

Si me enfrentara a la misma elección en el futuro, definitivamente tomaría la misma decisión. Creo firmemente que la verdad es importante, pero en situaciones en las que se está en peligro, mentir por el bienestar de alguien puede ser justificable. Es importante recordar que las mentiras deben utilizarse con precaución y de manera responsable, y siempre con la intención de proteger a quienes amamos.

La historia de la mentira que le conté a mi amiga para protegerla fue una experiencia que me enseñó la importancia de actuar de manera ética y con empatía hacia los demás. Aunque al principio me sentí culpable, al final supe que había hecho lo correcto al salvarla de una fuerte discusión que pudo haber terminado en daños físicos. A veces, las mentiras pueden ser una herramienta para proteger a quienes amamos, y en ciertas circunstancias, pueden ser la mejor opción. La clave está en usarlas sabiamente y con la intención adecuada.

Esta es mi participación en esta oportunidad en la comunidad Hive Learners, siendo el tema a desarrollar el siguiente:

“La Mentira Piadosa: Cuéntanos alguna vez que hayas dicho una mentira pero haya sido por una buena razón. Podría haber sido para salvarte a ti mismo o a un ser querido, o podría haber sido para evitar que cometieran un terrible error. ¿Cómo te sentiste después de la mentira? ¿Revelaste la mentira más tarde? ¿Cambió algo? Si te enfrentaras a la misma elección, ¿tomarías la misma decisión? Háznoslo saber.

Thank you very much for allowing me to share my impressions with you on this always controversial subject of lies.

Muchisimas gracias por permitirme compartir mis impresiones con ustedes acerca de este siempre polemico tema de las mentiras.

This is the source of the gif presented in the first image :

Esta es la fuente del gif presentado en la primera imagen :



I believe that what you did was for the good of your friend.
Sometimes we tell lie just to save a friend or a family member.
Thanks for sharing

My goal with this lie was to avoid violent actions by my friend's partner towards her, who was also blinded by love for this man, thank goodness that in the short term it showed her what an abuser and a jerk he was.

It will be so unfortunate if we say that clothes that person bought costly does not suit them, saying that it's nice is a perfect words.
In the aspects of a relationship, third party do not have to say something so deep, so that they do not end up splitting the partners, let's them decide it for themselves, even if you did felt guilty for saying they were good together, it was still the nice thing to say, because openly up about what you know might as well hurt the relationship.

Lying in this type of situation is a way to avoid conflict and confrontation. I worried about hurting our friend's feelings or damaging the relationship I had with her. I worried about retaliating against my friend. Also, having a third party opinion in a couple's relationship can be counterproductive and detrimental to all parties involved.

Yes @nbarrios67 you are right.

I've also trained myself never to underestimate anyone's outfit to avoid problem. So whenever anyone ask me for a review on his or her outfit, saying it's looks perfectly on them will be the words of my mouth

Each person has his or her own style and taste in fashion. It may be that what we think looks bad on someone, is exactly what that person has chosen with taste and feels comfortable wearing.

Yes that's true


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