Support peace! / ¡Apoya a la paz! [English / Spanish].

in #hive-1538504 months ago

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In life, we often find ourselves in situations where we have to make sacrifices in order to maintain peace and avoid unnecessary conflicts. Whether in our personal relationships, at work or in society in general, sometimes it is necessary to give in, assume responsibilities that do not correspond to us or even apologize for something we did not do, in order to maintain harmony and prevent things from getting out of control. In my personal experience, I remember a sacrifice I had to make for the sake of peace and coexistence, and how that choice affected my life and my relationships with others.

A few years ago, in college I had a heated discussion with a close friend about a paper we were submitting to pass Financial Analysis. We were both going through a difficult time in our lives, we were overworked and additionally we would have to collaborate with each other to get a good academic grade, our emotions were running high.

In the middle of the discussion, I said some hurtful things that were not true, but at the time seemed like the most effective way to hurt her. After the argument was over and I realized the damage I had caused, I felt deeply sorry for my words and knew I had to do something to fix the damage.


Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

I decided to apologize sincerely to my friend, even though I knew I was not to blame for everything I said in the heat of the moment. I felt uncomfortable at first, as it was hard for me to admit my mistake and apologize, but I knew it was necessary to restore our friendship, keep the peace between us and pass the subject. To my surprise, my friend accepted my apology sincerely and we were able to overcome the conflict, strengthen our friendship in the process, and perform the assignment as professionally as possible.


Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Sacrificing my pride and admitting my mistake was not easy, but it was worth it for the sake of our friendship and peace between us. We also managed to submit the paper on time and got a very good grade. I learned that sometimes it is necessary to make personal sacrifices in the name of peace and harmony, even if it means taking blame that is not ours. My choice to apologize and rectify my actions taught me the importance of humility, empathy and responsibility in interpersonal relationships.

As to whether I would do the same thing again in the future, I definitely would. I understood that maintaining peace and harmony in our relationships is more important than any pride or resentment we may feel. Acknowledging our mistakes, asking for forgiveness and making the necessary sacrifices to maintain peace is critical to cultivating healthy and meaningful relationships in our lives.

Sacrifices for peace are fundamental to maintaining harmony and avoiding destructive conflict in our lives. Through forgiveness, empathy and humility, we can overcome our differences and work together toward a more peaceful and just future. Although making personal sacrifices for peace can be difficult and challenging, the long-term benefits are worth it. Peace is a worthy goal to pursue and we must be willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it.

This is my second participation in the week in the Hive Learners community, where I developed the following theme:

Sacrifices For Peace: Many times, just for peace to reign and for things not to get blown out of proportion, we make sacrifices. We do things or take blames for those we didn't do just so that everything will be resolved. This is because we know that as long as there is peace, then it would be worth it. So, tell us about one sacrifice you have to make just for peace to reign. How did that choice affect you? Will you make the same one later on?

A big greeting to everyone in this great community, as always it is an honor to share with you my publication, excellent topics covered this week.

Thank you very much for stopping by!

The separator is free to use and has been provided by @onexel, Link here.

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En la vida, a menudo nos encontramos en situaciones en las que tenemos que hacer sacrificios para mantener la paz y evitar conflictos innecesarios. Ya sea en nuestras relaciones personales, en el trabajo o en la sociedad en general, a veces es necesario ceder, asumir responsabilidades que no nos corresponden o incluso pedir disculpas por algo que no hicimos, con el fin de mantener la armonía y evitar que las cosas se salgan de control. En mi experiencia personal, recuerdo un sacrificio que tuve que hacer en aras de la paz y la convivencia, y cómo esa elección afectó mi vida y mis relaciones con los demás.

Hace algunos años, en la universidad tuve una discusión acalorada con una amiga cercana, acerca de un trabajo que estábamos presentando para aprobar la materia de Análisis Financiero. Ambos estábamos pasando por un momento difícil en nuestras vidas, teníamos exceso de trabajo y adicionalmente deberíamos colaborar entre nosotros para obtener una buena nota académica, nuestras emociones estaban a flor de piel.

En medio de la discusión, dije algunas cosas hirientes que no eran verdad, pero que en ese momento me parecieron la forma más efectiva de herirla. Después de que la discusión terminó y me di cuenta del daño que había causado, me sentí profundamente arrepentido de mis palabras y supe que debía hacer algo para reparar el daño.


Imagen por OpenClipart-Vectors de Pixabay

Decidí disculparme sinceramente con mi amiga, a pesar de que sabía que no tenía la culpa de todo lo que dije en medio del calor del momento. Me sentí incómodo al principio, ya que me costaba admitir mi error y pedir perdón, pero sabía que era necesario para restaurar nuestra amistad, mantener la paz entre nosotros y aprobar la materia. Para mi sorpresa, mi amiga aceptó mis disculpas de manera sincera y pudimos superar el conflicto, fortalecimos nuestra amistad en el proceso, y realizamos la asignación con el mayor profesionalismo posible.


Imagen por Mohamed Hassan de Pixabay

El sacrificar mi orgullo y admitir mi error no fue fácil, pero valió la pena por el bien de nuestra amistad y la paz entre nosotros. Además logramos presentar el trabajo a tiempo y obtuvimos una nota muy buena. Aprendí que a veces es necesario hacer sacrificios personales en nombre de la paz y la armonía, incluso si eso significa asumir culpas que no nos corresponden. Mi elección de disculparme y rectificar mis acciones me enseñó la importancia de la humildad, la empatía y la responsabilidad en las relaciones interpersonales.

En cuanto a si haría lo mismo nuevamente en el futuro, definitivamente lo haría. Entendí que el mantener la paz y la armonía en nuestras relaciones es más importante que cualquier orgullo o resentimiento que podamos sentir. Reconocer nuestros errores, pedir perdón y hacer los sacrificios necesarios para mantener la paz es fundamental para cultivar relaciones saludables y significativas en nuestra vida.

Los sacrificios por la paz son fundamentales para mantener la armonía y evitar conflictos destructivos en nuestras vidas. A través del perdón, la empatía y la humildad, podemos superar nuestras diferencias y trabajar juntos hacia un futuro más pacífico y justo. Aunque hacer sacrificios personales por la paz puede ser difícil y desafiante, los beneficios a largo plazo valen la pena. La paz es un objetivo digno de perseguir y debemos estar dispuestos a hacer lo que sea necesario para alcanzarla.

Esta es mi segunda participación en la semana en la comunidad Hive Learners, en donde desarrolle el siguiente tema:

Sacrificios por la paz: Muchas veces, para que reine la paz y las cosas no se salgan de control, hacemos sacrificios. Hacemos cosas o asumimos culpas por las que no hicimos sólo para que todo se resuelva. Porque sabemos que mientras haya paz, valdrá la pena. Cuéntanos un sacrificio que hayas tenido que hacer para que reine la paz. ¿Cómo te afectó esa elección? ¿Harías lo mismo más adelante?

Un gran saludo a todos en esta gran comunidad, como siempre es un honor compartir con ustedes mi publicación, excelentes los tópicos tratados esta semana.

Muchas gracias por pasar a visitarme!.

El separador es de uso gratuito y ha sido proporcionado por @onexel, Enlace aquí.

Imagen de crom3am en Pixabay


Thank you for sharing this insightful and personal experience. It's a great reminder of the importance of humility and empathy in maintaining our relationships. Your story highlights that sometimes we need to make sacrifices and admit our mistakes for the sake of peace. It's inspiring to see how your willingness to apologize not only mended your friendship but also helped you achieve your academic goals. Keep sharing such valuable lessons!

If we are fighting for a common good there should be no wars, sometimes it is better to lower our guard and show more humility, in times of peace we can focus on our goals.

Admitting that you are really wrong is sometimes difficult, but if you aren't really the person who made mistakes admitting for something that you didn't do is a bit troubleful. Sometimes it is something that you can just breath in and it will pass, but if it is something that will hurt yourself for a long time isn't very healthy!

You are right, but although I was not entirely to blame, I managed to pass a university course with a very good grade, admitting to a classmate who also had the same goal as me part of a mistake that was not mine. Everything will depend on the situation we face and if the objective is common and beneficial. Having a relationship in a healthy peace helped us both. Now if blaming me for a mistake that I did not make hurts me or hurts someone close to me in any way, be sure that I do not assume a responsibility that is not mine.

That is a very good thing you did to your friend so as to restore peace amongst you. If one person is not a fool then there will be no peace.
Thanks for sharing

Sometimes we have to compromise for the common good in order to move forward in life and not get stuck in silly positions that can bring unwanted consequences and fights between people. Thank you for visiting me!


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