The best brother of all time!
It has to be me!
I visit my sister all the time! most weekends of we are not away.
I am always trying to help out where I can just the other day I noticed a lot of dust built up around her bathroom heat lamp. The next thing you know, I am standing on their small ladder, pulling it apart and cleaning it so it does not catch on fire or case a major problem.
The biggest reason though for my best big brother boast, would have to be the presents I organise for birthdays and Christmas's . Not that there expensive but just a bit clever, or funny to bring a smile.
In the past when we were younger I, just wrapped a box within a box as many times as I could and then told her to be careful with it and it was very fragile. It took her ages to unwrap it, I really struggled to keep a straight face.
More recently I wrapped up a box of special edition toilet paper. I was not sure this would get a laugh, it could have been easy just classed as a shit present but she loved it.
Toilet paper was hard to get during covid you just never know what is around the corner. This "Who gives a crap" toilet paper special edition sells out fast too, it could even be a collectors item.
It is made out of Bamboo instead of trees which is better for the environment, sure it costs a bit more but is cheaper than me buying a real present that never get used!
It all started with the Christmas edition.
and now there on a "Where is Wally" look a like box.
I wonder how or if it has helped with there sales and what they will think of next.