When I was young I thought it would be so good to be powerful. To be in charge, make all the rules and tell everyone what to do. As a school kid it all looked so easy just sit behind a desk, drink coffee and sign a few pieces of paper.
Boy! How wrong did I have it and I soon changed my mind. Maybe in the old days there were a few powerful positions that were granted or given out but I think there few and far between now.
By the time I got to be in charge of a few jobs in my field, there was not much worth being in charge off. Fifty cents an hour extra got me a heap of whinging and complaining from both up and down the hierarchy structure.
Apprentices, labourers and casuals complaining about conditions, equipment, bullying.
Bosses, owners, customers wanting everything done faster, better, cheaper. That is without having to think about trying to keep the Union or safety Officers happy.
I quickly gave up on trying to climb any sort of corporate ladder and tried to stay out of the spot light, running small jobs with small crews, the smaller the better preferable one man jobs by myself.
It was not much better out side of work. It always looks great if your the football coach or a manager of a team when your winning and doing well but the work and frustration to get the that point makes it hard to justify. I started off coaching a small local Australia Rules football team because no one else would do it but as the children got older it got very serious, even at a low level. Luckily as the boys got older I did not have to be the head coach but just helped out as a trainer.
Nowadays I am only really interested how much power I can get out of my bike!