Designing My Life Like A Work Of Art

in #hive-18611918 days ago

As I thought about the above topic, I couldn't help but remember my growing up days and years, when I was living with my maternal relatives.

One of the interesting things I still remember vividly is how we used to gather around one of my mother's younger brothers who was (and still is) an artist.

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I was always amazed at how he would make some outline sketches, and then skillfully begin to fill up the outlines with some shades and tints of different colours to reveal the final outcomes that were absolutely beautiful. Today, he is a renowned artist, a Professor in the department of Fine and Applied Arts, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

The point I want to bring out is that, when we want to look at life as a work of art, then we are talking of actively participating in making our lives beautiful. This would mean having a purpose, and also taking steps to make that purpose become a reality.

I like to say that we all have the power to design the kind of life we love, and live by design. It all begins with our intentions, then the things we allow and the things we choose not to allow. And of course this is more of an inner work than an outer one.

For many years, I lived like someone who had no control over what happens to her. I was trying to fit in to the expectations of others, trying to please everyone at the expense of my joy and fulfilment. I suffered a lot of hurt and injustice because I gave some people the power to make certain decisions about my life.

But then the day came when I realised that I am responsible for the final outcome of my life. I realized that God has given me great power to make choices, take decisions and steps that will bring joy and fulfilment to me. From that day, I decided to not live like a victim anymore.

I started by being mindful of my thoughts and feelings, choosing the ones that raise my vibration. Then, I started allowing myself to dream and visualise what my ideal life would look like, setting my intentions to align with that.

I have not arrived yet, but I know my life experience is better than how it used to be. I remind myself all the time, that I am responsible for my happiness and that I have the power to create the life I love. The joy, love and peace that I enjoy is something I never knew was possible, and all because I decided to take my power back from those that were trying to dictate what my life should look like.

I always remind myself of this one thing: My mind is the canvas, and with my thoughts and intentions I consciously make the effort to add colour and beauty to my life, though not by power nor by might, but by the Spirit of God that lives in me.

This is my entry for the #septemberinleo prompt for Day 15. The image used is a free-to-use image from

Thank you.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I think it's great to view life through the lens of art, because that way we can reveal the beauty of the world and who doesn't want to see the beauty in life?

Absolutely! And there is so much beauty but we can't see that except we participate actively with great intention. Thanks so much.