Organization in life.

in #writing21 days ago

Organizing your life.

We all know how busy life can be and that is a constant source of stress to some people. Life is hard enough without adding extra stress through our own options. There are a lot of ways to make our lives easier and a lot of it can be covered by simplifying our environment.

The further down the rabbit hole you go the harder it can be to see a way out of it but there is always a way out of these situations. No matter how tough it seems it is in your own power to change the outcome.

Five years ago i was in a job that i hated working for a soulless company that only cared about targets and profits. The culture was built from the top down and you could feel that poison seep down through the levels to the front line employees resulting in a huge staff turnover and constant stress for their managers. With our hands tied by profit margins there was no way to run the business in a happy and healthy manner for the staff no matter how much we tried to build a good working environment.

It all led to stress and sickness among the staff and management. Not how anybody should be spending their days. So i made a plan to move towards a healthier lifestyle. Being single at the time it wasn't going to be easy to break away from the steady income that the job provided but the key to making big changes is to break them down in to little steps.

Break big tasks into smaller steps.

Big plans can be very stressful as it's hard to see how you can go from zero to one hundred but often it can be in one hundred small steps rather than two or three giant ones.

I was at zero working unsociable hours in a job that i didn't like. My end goal was to buy a house and then find a new job with less hours that could cover that cost but in an company that i enjoyed working at. That would take a big leap form where i was so i set a plan over a couple of years to get into the right position to make it happen.

  • I set up a secure savings account.
  • Deposited €500 every month as soon as i got paid.
  • Created a budget of my current expenses.
  • Readjusted my habits to fit my lower budget - €600.
  • Created additional income through crypto.
  • Found a mortgage broker.
  • Aligned my paper work for the bank.
  • Built up a house deposit over two years.
  • Got mortgage approved.
  • Agreed a purchase price on a house.
  • Completed the sale and paperwork.

Within a year after completing my plan i left the job that i was in when i reached financial stability to pay the bills and cover the costs of my lifestyle in a smaller role with a better quality of life. There were many smaller steps in between these bigger milestones as well that i completed on a weekly and monthly basis but just having an end goal set in place. Creating a realistic plan to achieve this and then knocking off these steps one by one made it possible to achieve a big goal.

Even for smaller goals it's a great idea to break them down into more manageable steps. Write them down, give yourself deadlines. Have a clear plan in place.

It takes a lot of the stress out of situations when everybody knows what they are meant to be doing and what stage they should be at in any given moment.

What change would make your life easier?

If you were to take a look at the stress points in your life right now would it be possible to remove them from the equation? Is there anything that you could change in the next twelve months to make your day run smoother?
Where could you simplify your routine to free up some time or space?

I have a few in mind at the moment that i will work toward over the next few years. It's good to try and be successful in life but sometimes it's even better to simplify it and take a step back too.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I think a lot of part of the goals is about small steps and doing them consistently. If we try to do things in one go and try to make things work quickly we eventually give up as we can't keep up on the speed. Organizing always works if it is slow.

Consistency is a great point as well. These steps only work if you commit to them over a long period of time instead of making drastic changes that won't last.

Its a reliable way of working, in my day job I make updates to production systems and breaking them is not an option. So testing the change and having a plan is important.

My motto is:

"Plan the work, Work the plan"

Talking of plans, would be great if you could send me a witness vote, thanks again.

Good motto.
It makes life easier when you have solid plan and execute it.

For my witness votes i try to support the people bringing business to the chain and who have a plan to increase our userbase and visibility. Are you involved in any good projects at the moment? I don't know too much about your account unfortunately.

Good question, the main focus is "in person meetups" here at the bottom of the planet, in Adelaide. We have a regular monthly meetup where hive interested people come along and fire questions at me and other members.

This is working really well for the last 5 years. Long lasting friendships have been made, similar to hive friendships, like we are starting now. but in person also.

Thanks again.

The particular workplace you wrote about made me remember where I worked sometime ago. They only cared about their profit too and even when a staff loses someone close to him or her, they expect you to resume to work on the third day
Is that fair?

Hey @niallon11, it's so nice to see people on here trying to spread a little bit of life wisdom with others to make their lives better.

I think you're right actually, breaking things down into more manageable steps is a good general rule when confronting life's conundrums, and there's no reason why you can't apply it to your own plan in life.

Anything that helps ease the burdens and removes unnecessary pressures in life is always a good thing.

Thank you for this lovely post.

They always say write about what you know and at the moment we are trying to do something similar again as we save for a wedding.

That's why my mind is drawn back to topics like this again. I find writing to be a good tool to organize my own life and gather my thoughts.

Thanks for stopping by.

Excellent stuff Niall.

How do you eat an elephant? 🐘

One bite at a time, which is exactly what you've done. Good on you.

You wanted change. You got up of your arse and made it happen.

So many of us don't and instead waste time on social media (web 2.0 variety) moaning and bitching and also to whoever will listen to them, instead of getting up of their arses and making the necessary changes.

First step is always making a plan and maybe some (like you and I) are better planners and that helps us, but it still irks me hearing the 'poor me brigade' who pour effort into giving out, instead of doing something about it.

I'm in your same boat, a crap work which is just stressing me and giving health problems for this...I have been planning a 3 years tasks to leave it, now I am almost at the end...

In the main time CBD helps, I don't feel shame to say it

CBD is an interesting one. I'm not a great sleeper and have been told that it could really improve that for me.

No shame to be had. It has a lot of health benifits.

i can confirm you it works good to sleep



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