Hello everyone and welcome to m post.
The rise of technology has come with both positive and negative impact to the community and country at large.
We lived in times where the cost of sending messages to our loved one seemed impossible. It took days for money to be sent from one location to another. Transportation was stressful and uncomfortable, leaving a person with leg and back aches after every long distance travel.
All these began to change with the invention of many things.
There is no need to go to the theater to watch a movie, as we can now watch movies with our smart phones.
The once stress full means of transportation that is long, taking up to days, and uncomfortable, can now be done in a short duration and at a very comfortable and enjoyable pace. Travelling can now be enjoyed, all thanks to technology.
Though there are lots of goodies, provided by technology, there are equally many things online that are both bad and good for the well being of a child, and even an adult.
I may talk about this in my next post. For now, the pictures to my clean planet activity.
Thank you for reading.