I’m kind of in shock with the number of people cheering for Vladimir Putin … saying that he is standing up against the “New World Order”and “Global Elite.”
He does this by slaughtering thousands , potentially millions of innocent people ???
The Global Elite … Europe, NATO, USA, New World Order, Rockefeller’s, Biden, Obama, CNN, and others who control the world “poked the bear” ???
Seriously ?
They are the cause ???
And Putin is defending the Innocent people by killing them all.
I think many people have been brainwashed. Maybe it’s just me. Maybe the Vaccine has me thinking that Putin is a bad guy.
What a strange mixed up world we live in.
Maybe lots of things have happened along the way. I have watched hours and hours and hours of videos showing how America and Europe, CNN, and the Rockefeller’s caused this War.
But I also see who is butchering innocent Ukrainians day after day after day after day.
I personally believe that what Vladimir Putin is doing is Wrong.
But maybe it’s just me.
It seems that way.
I am wrong and everyone else is right.
Oh well. I hate Putin for what he is doing.
But apparently I’m ignorant and naive.