Effective communication fixes a lot.

in #hive-17687425 days ago

Hello, everyone.

I welcome you to my blog. The ability to communicate effectively is something a lot of people lack, and it has caused them more harm than good. For a message to be passed from one individual to another, effective communication is the key. Our everyday lives revolve around communication and moving from home to work and from work back home. If you don't communicate, then you won't be able to go about your daily activities. Communication is key to a lot of things, and back in school we were taught that it is the best way to resolve disputes and disagreements. So if just communicating can do all these things, what more communicating effectively?


The truth is that communication and effective communication are two entirely different things, as communication just has to do with the dissemination of information without even bothering if the recipient of this information understands it or not, for example, Nigerian lecturers and their students. But when it comes to effective communication, the recipient of the information is brought into consideration, and to ensure that the communication is effective, the recipient must understand the message sent across. Understanding between the sender and the recipient is the only way to ensure that the communication is effective.

The only way a relationship or friendship can thrive is through effective communication. Both parties involved must make effective communication a habit. You have to say it and not assume that they should understand or get your point; you have to say it, and while saying it, you have to make sure that your message is clear, and then the recipient also understands it clearly too. You cannot just sit and assume that they understand without passing the message and making sure it is clear.

These days, relationships come crashing down because some people came up with something called body language and because they have seen people on relationship podcasts say that whoever loves you should understand your body language and do whatever you expect them to do. These people won't pass a message clearly, but they just sit down and expect the partner to do what they expect out of the blue because they passed the message using body language.


Lately, many of us don't practice effective communication anymore. We have been taught to believe that everyone knows exactly what they should do, and if they fail to, then it is their choice not to. So we just sit down and watch a friendship or relationship we want to keep come crashing down. If only we could just speak and stop assuming and believing everything we hear and see online. Effective communication is the key to making a bond stronger as well as fixing every broken bond. If only we all could learn to communicate effectively, say and don't assume they know it or should know it.

Thanks for reading my post.


You’ve said it all. Effective communication is really important and we shouldn’t watch one another to fail especially when we can help.
Also,we should Also know to communicate and I have seen cases where people don’t even know how to express themselves and it makes it difficult to communicate.

Thanks for sharing