Hello, everyone.
Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learners' featured post. When they say an idle man is the devil's workshop it was no joke, the mind needs to be kept busy and whenever it is left idle you come to find yourself thinking about things you would not have even allowed to cross your mind. When you are ideal you get to have both good and bad thoughts but trust me when idle it is mostly bad thoughts, sometimes even the thoughts to do evil things crosses the mind when idle. With how bad my country's current economy is, the moment you stay idle one of the things that crosses your mind is how to successfully carry out a heist and change your situation.
In order to avoid the temptations that comes with staying idle every individual have come up with activities that keeps them engaged whenever thay start to feel bored or idle, these activities varies from one individual to another and what works for one Individual might not work for the other and you cannot blame an individual if they do not enjoy what you do enjoy. Some activities you consider fun can be boring for another and what another person considers to be fun might be boring to you. I was shocked when I met a guy who said he has never watched football in his life as he does not find it interesting and I was left wondering what really works for him as guy but not everyone enjoys football and there is nothing we can do about it.
For me I do a lot of things to counter and fight against boredom, I hate to feel bored so I had to come up with a lot of activities to help me stay busy and not give boredom the space to creep up on me. Since I like to spend most of time indoors, I had to really come up with activities that can help me stay indoors and still not feel bored, one of the activities I engage in while Indoors is watch movies, the movie industry has not failed to deliver movies that can keep one glued to their screen and won't even know they have been on it for hours. They were days were I was not the movies kind of guy but lately all that have changed. I have activities I do for the days I want to kill boredom and stay indoors and there are days where I do outdoor activities as well.
Another indoor activity I engage in to kill boredom and avoid enjoying staying indoors is drawing, I might be bad at drawing but just to stay busy I draw anything that comes to mind and at least the time spent trying to draw something that might not turn out well was not spent worrying or overthinking because for me with boredom comes worrying and overthinking but when I am busy trying to draw what might turn out bad, boredom won't even have the chance.
drawing of boondocks, i left it halfway and I have not been able to get back to it.
Like I said earlier I have outdoor activities to help me overcome boredom too one of the activity I do when I feel bored is to take a walk and it works every time, sometimes with friends and sometimes alone with music in my ears. Taking a walk can help get your mind off worries and not just kill boredom, whenever you walk you get to see people, see things and with what you see, you get to keep your mind busy. I also play football, those days I do it everyday but now I only do it occasionally mostly when I feel bored and idle since I have a lot going on currently.