Veganism is not a small feat to achieve.

in #hive-15385017 days ago

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learners' featured post. Lately everyone has come to the realization that we are a product of what we eat, which makes everyone extra cautious of what they eat and consume and has increased the number of people who are now vegetarians. Eating healthy or good does not necessarily mean you become a vegetarian, but doing some research online and seeing the health benefits of being a vegetarian, I really wish I could do away with meat and be one.


There are lots and lots of health benefits that come with being a vegetarian, ranging from having a healthy heart to reduced cancer risk. Vegans hardly suffer or have cases of excessive intake of cholesterol. I do admire vegans, especially when I saw in a movie that being vegan is not just about eating healthy or avoiding getting harmed by what they eat but a way to protect the environment and the animals in it. Vegans see life in everything and treasure it more than others who are not vegan. Sometimes these animals used as meat go through unimaginable pain before they are processed as the meat served on our table, but being vegan can actually stop all of that.

Is being a vegetarian something I can try?

I understand little about being vegan, as I have never met one myself and neither am I one, but I have seen a lot of them movies with vegans in them and how they try to protect lives, not just human lives but animal lives included. With how I see them safeguarding animal lives, sometimes I feel we should all be doing the same thing, so even though it might be difficult at first, I think being a vegetarian is something I can actually try.

Changing diet from what you used to eat to something entirely different might be difficult to adapt to, but if one is determined to get it done, they will, and to achieve that, one must as well try to associate with vegans alone so as to be pushed back to their old ways. I have never tried being a vegetarian, even though I admire them, because sometimes I am left wondering how they managed to overcome the whole temptation and stick to being vegetarians. Not everyone can achieve such a great feat.

Is being vegetarian a healthier way of living?


With all the benefits of being a vegetarian I have read and heard, I cannot help but agree that being vegetarian is indeed a healthier way of living compared to those of us who eat meat. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but for me, yes, being vegan is one way to live healthy, avoid diseases, and live a long life. We are a result of everything we eat and whatever we can either make us or break us.

Sometimes I see people do a lot of things for fun; people consume meat, both the ones we are supposed to consume and the ones forbidden, and in the process expose themselves to diseases and health challenges. As a vegetarian, these diseases that are caused or gotten from consumption of meat will not even come anywhere near you. In most cases, how meat is prepared is injurious to health; being vegan can as well save you from that. Being vegan is beneficial, which makes it a healthier way of living.


Hello there, bro. There are two sides to a coin. I understand that being a vegan has its advantages, but it is also not without disadvantages. It deprives the body of necessary nutrients.


Truly there are loads of benefits attached to being a vegan and like you've. Highlighted for health, the environment, weigh loss and more to mention but a few.

I admire vegan even though I don't think I can past long on that habit.

Sometimes these animals used as meat go through unimaginable pain before they are processed.

Okay, it's because pumpkin, tomatoes and others don't cry when being cut with knife that's why you guys are seeing it that way. Plants and animals are living things, so the same pain 😂😂

Friend, if you try, it is not that difficult because becoming a vegetarian is like giving respect to your health. I believe that many people have become habituated to eating meat and they are not able to forget this habit of theirs, but if you want to become a vegetarian with a true heart, then you can gradually give up your habit of eating meat and eat vegetables instead and gradually you can become a vegetarian from a non-vegetarian. I have seen many people who could not live without meat for a day and those people used to eat non-vegetarian food daily, but today their mind has been so diverted that they do not even look at meat. However, here is your life, how you live, what you say, it completely depends on you, but if a person wants to become a vegetarian, then it is not very difficult and anyone can achieve it.