Cais Palafítico - Porto da Carrasqueira // Riding Portugal

in #hive-16377221 days ago
Hello everyone and welcome to my blog :-)

Cais Palafítico do Porto da Carrasqueira.jpg

After a wonderful afternoon at the beach and a nice swim, we decided to take a trip to the iconic Cais Palafitico da Carrasqueira, a place we had always heard about and which had a wonderful sunset, perhaps one of the most beautiful in our country! Situated near Comporta, in the heart of the Sado Estuary nature reserve, this wooden pier is a hidden gem on the Portuguese coast.


Após uma maravilhosa tarde de praia e de um belo banho, decidimos fazer um passeio pelo icônico Cais Palafítico da Carrasqueira, um lugar que sempre ouvimos falar e que tinha um por do sol maravilhoso, talvez dos mais bonitos do nosso país! Situado perto da Comporta, no coração da reserva natural do Estuário do Sado, este cais de madeira é uma joia escondida na costa portuguesa.





When we arrived, we were greeted by a cozy and picturesque scene: a man with an old van was parked on the side of the dirt road, selling fresh fruits and vegetables. The vibrant colors of oranges, tomatoes and peppers stood out in the evening, and the sweet aroma of ripe fruits mingled with the salty air coming from the nearby sea.


Ao chegarmos, fomos recebidos por uma cena acolhedora e pitoresca: um senhor com uma carrinha antiga estava estacionado à beira da estrada de terra batida, vendendo frutas e legumes frescos. As cores vibrantes das laranjas, tomates e pimentos se destacavam no cair da tarde, e o aroma doce das frutas maduras misturava-se com o ar salgado vindo do mar próximo.






The pier stretched ahead, the wooden planks worn by time and tides, creating a winding path over the calm waters of the estuary. The stilt houses, firmly planted in the mud and sand, supported small fishing huts, many of them painted in faded shades of blue and green, with fishing nets hanging over the sides, still wet from their daily work. The setting was of simple, rustic beauty, a testament to the traditional way of life of the fishermen who have worked there for generations.
Each hut is unique, some for their paintings and others for the objects placed to decorate, from dolls, crockery and even mirrors.


O cais estendia-se em frente, as tábuas de madeira desgastadas pelo tempo e pelas marés, criavam um caminho sinuoso sobre as águas tranquilas do estuário. As palafitas, fincadas firmemente no lodo e na areia, sustentavam pequenas cabanas de pesca, muitas delas pintadas em tons desbotados de azul e verde, com redes de pesca penduradas nas laterais, ainda molhadas do trabalho diário. O cenário era de uma beleza simples e rústica, um testemunho do modo de vida tradicional dos pescadores que ali trabalham há gerações.
Cada cabana é única, umas pelas suas pinturas outras pelo objectos colocados a decorar, desde bonecas, a louça e até espelhos.







As we walked along the pier, the golden light of the sunset dyed everything with a magical glow. The sky was painted in shades of orange, pink and lilac, reflecting in the calm waters surrounding the pier. The seabirds, which until then had remained silent, began to fly low over the estuary.


Conforme avançávamos pelo cais, a luz dourada do pôr do sol tingia tudo com um brilho mágico. O céu estava pintado em tons de laranja, rosa e lilás, refletindo-se nas águas calmas que rodeavam o cais. As aves marinhas, que até então haviam estado caladas, começaram a voar baixo sobre o estuário.









There was an almost mystical tranquility in the air, a peace that seemed to flow from the waters and from the pier itself, as if time there ran at a different pace. The gentle sound of the waves lapping against the wooden pilings and the subtle creaking of the boards beneath my feet created a natural melody that completed the experience.


Havia uma tranquilidade quase mística no ar, uma paz que parecia fluir das águas e do próprio cais, como se o tempo ali corresse em outro ritmo. O som suave das ondas batendo contra as estacas de madeira e o ranger sutil das tábuas sob os meus pés criavam uma melodia natural que completava a experiência.








When I looked back, I saw the man in the van getting ready to leave, storing the fruit that hadn't been sold. He waved from afar, a simple gesture but one filled with genuine hospitality. We opened a bottle of wine, sat by one of the fishermen's huts, toasted life and were grateful for the opportunity to see another sunset!


Ao olhar para trás, vi o senhor na carrinha preparando-se para partir, guardando as frutas que não haviam sido vendidas. Ele acenou de longe, um gesto simples, mas carregado de uma hospitalidade genuína. Nós abrimos uma garrafa de vinho, sentamo-nos ao pé de uma das cabanas dos pescadores, brindamos à vida e agradecemos a oportunidade de ver mais um por do sol!






I hope you enjoyed.
See you around.
Wishing you much peace and health

Those who pass by us do not go alone. They leave a bit of themselves, taking a piece of us."
Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince.


"The Template cover used in this post is from Canva - Created by Misia"

Text & Photography by @Onyfest

With love @onyfest


Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank U :-)

God bless the blue, mate! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

hi there @chris-chris92! Indeed😊 Thank U for stopping by:-)

Thank you for made thus beauty. @onyfest 🫶🏻🫴🏻



$PIZZA slices delivered:
@bilpcoinbpc(4/5) tipped @onyfest

Undoubtedly this place is wonderful, perfect scenery for good pictures that you show us with its right harmony with the light. Greetings !

Hello @wilfredocav! It really is an amazing place and great for these pics! Thanks for stopping by😊

Wow, such beautiful photographs. good post, thanks for sharing 😃

Hello @name0 ! Thank you so much, really glad you like it😊 Thank U for stopping by!

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The images and words clearly convey the serenity and natural beauty of the place, and your story invites us to reflect on the simplicity of life and the importance of such special moments. Thank you for sharing this experience so rich in details and emotions! 🌅🍇🌊

Hi @silviared945! Uau, thank you so much for your kind words! Really glad that i can put into words and images what i felt at the end of that day. Life is passing way to fast and that is really scary. So a toast to these moments and to appreciate life😊

This post was curated by dimascastillo90 from the Visual Shots Team | Be part of our Curation Trail - Delegations are Welcome


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Thank U😁

Hiya, @glecerioberto here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Honorable Mentions in Travel Digest #2300.

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Thank U😊

You are very welcome @onyfest👍

Fotos super luminosas... que paisagem fantástica! E as tonalidades de azul celeste e azul profundo são simplesmente de tirar o folego!

Olá @xrayman !É um lugar maravilhoso e as fotos ficam realmente bonitas. Creio que a hora "mágica" proporcione esta luminosidade tornando o lugar mágico! Obrigada 😊

Your photos of this place are like masterpieces. Though, it's not really photogenic in real life, on your photos it looks so good. The colourful painted houses are really pretty, especially I like the one that has a stork painting on it.

Hi there @darine.darine! Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. It’s true that sometimes a place can surprise us in photos, revealing beauty that might not be as obvious in person. The colorful houses really do have a charm of their own, and I’m happy you liked the one with the stork painting.It’s such a unique touch that captures the essence of the area.😉

You surely revealed beauty in this place. İt looks so artistic 😃