Centro Histórico & Ponte Pedonal - Alcácer do Sal // Riding Portugal

in #hive-16377220 days ago
Hello everyone and welcome to my blog :-)


It was Friday and we decided to wake up early to explore Alcácer do Sal, one of the oldest cities in Portugal, located on the banks of the Sado River. Waking up at the first light of day was a wise choice, as we were able to enjoy the city before the typical summer heat made itself felt more intensely. When we arrived, the city was enveloped in a comforting calm, as if still slowly waking up to the day that was just beginning.


Era sexta feira e decidimos acordar cedo para explorar Alcácer do Sal, uma das cidades mais antigas de Portugal, situada nas margens do Rio Sado. Acordar com as primeiras luzes do dia foi uma escolha acertada, pois assim pudemos desfrutar da cidade antes que o calor típico de verão se fizesse sentir com mais intensidade. Ao chegarmos, a cidade estava envolta numa calma reconfortante, como se ainda despertasse lentamente para o dia que ainda agora começava.










We decided to start in the historic center, a true treasure of narrow, winding streets, lined with little white houses with colorful bars, typical of Alentejo architecture. The facades, many of which were adorned with old tiles, and the windows were decorated with flower pots, which added even more color to the scene.
I love walking through these alleys and I really miss Alentejo when we leave...


Decidimos começar pelo centro histórico, um verdadeiro tesouro de ruas estreitas e sinuosas, ladeadas por casas brancas com barras coloridas, típicas da arquitetura alentejana. As fachadas, muitas delas eram adornadas com azulejos antigos,e as janelas estavam enfeitadas com vasos de flores, que acrescentavam ainda mais cor ao cenário.
Adoro percorrer estas ruelas e fico mesmo com saudades do Alentejo quando vamos embora...








After exploring the quiet streets and alleys that hide little surprises, such as cozy cafes and craft shops, we went to the pedestrian bridge that crosses the São Francisco River. The bridge, modern in design, contrasts harmoniously with the surrounding historic landscape, connecting the two banks of the city and providing spectacular views of the river and the city.


Após explorarmos as ruas tranquilas e os becos que escondem pequenas surpresas, como cafés acolhedores e lojinhas de artesanato, dirigimo-nos à ponte pedonal que atravessa o Rio Sado. A ponte, moderna em design, contrasta harmoniosamente com a paisagem histórica ao redor, ligando as duas margens da cidade e proporcionando vistas espetaculares sobre o rio e a cidade.









From the top of the bridge, we could see some works happening on the river, with machines and workers engaged in their tasks. Despite the activity, the city maintained its characteristic serenity, as if nothing could disturb the peace that reigned that day.
The river, with its calm waters, seemed to embrace the city, reflecting the clear blue cloudless sky and the green hills in the background.


Do alto da ponte, pudemos ver algumas obras a decorrer no rio, com máquinas e trabalhadores empenhados em seus afazeres. Apesar da atividade, a cidade mantinha sua serenidade característica, como se nada pudesse perturbar a paz que reinava naquele dia.
O rio, com suas águas tranquilas, parecia abraçar a cidade, refletindo o céu azul claro sem nuvens e as colinas verdejantes ao fundo.






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As the morning progressed, the city began to come to life a little more, and we began to see some locals going about their daily chores and other tourists arriving. But even so, Alcácer do Sal maintained that unique tranquility, a feeling that time passes differently there, more slowly, allowing us to appreciate every detail, every corner, every story.


Conforme a manhã avançava, a cidade começava a ganhar um pouco mais de vida, e começamos a alguns moradores pela cidade para fazer suas tarefas diárias e outros turistas a chegar. Mas ainda assim, Alcácer do Sal conservava aquela tranquilidade única, uma sensação de que ali o tempo passa de forma diferente, mais devagarinho, permitindo-nos apreciar cada detalhe, cada canto, cada história.





The visit doesn't stop here because, as you can see, one of the photos was taken at night as we had to take the opportunity to explore everything that this visit could offer us.


A visita não fica por aqui pois como podem perceber uma das fotos foi tirada à noite pois tivemos de aproveitar para explorar muito bem tudo aquilo que nos podia oferecer esta visita.






I hope you enjoyed.
See you around.
Wishing you much peace and health

Those who pass by us do not go alone. They leave a bit of themselves, taking a piece of us."
Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince.


"The Template cover used in this post is from Canva - Created by Misia"

Text & Photography by @Onyfest

With love @onyfest


@onyfest! @crazyphantombr likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @crazyphantombr. (3/5)

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I've been wanting to go to Portugal. I hope I can visit this place someday 🥰🥰

Hello @jenajean! I hoppe that you can visit my country in a near future and i belive that you will not be disappointed 😉

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The place is so peaceful. I can't see any person roaming around. 😅

Hello @minelwanders20! We arrived really early and that allow us to capture the city with very few people! Thanks for stopping by😊

Oh my gosh, that town is a masterpiece!
The streets are so white and delicate! Houses are straight out of tale. everything looks so incredible and untouched. It's as if no one lives there, it's as if it was built to be admired.
Beauty and life emanate from it. So pretty 🤍🩷

Hi there @darine.darine! Really glad you like. In Alentejo most of the houses are like this. I will post a few more things about this city. Thank you for stopping by😊

Well, i couldn't not stop by, when i saw your post. I was hypnotised by this city, and your photography also

Thank U :-)

I really like the comfy atmosphere of this place. PORTUGAL is now on my bucket list.
This photos reminded me of my time living in Brazil. The influence of the portuguese architecture is quite strong there, and you can really appreciate the strong aesthetic it brings to the environment.
Especially the houses painted in white, contrasted with yellow and blue. The nostalgia hits hard. Thank you for that.

I'm so glad the photos brought back fond memories for you! Portugal's charm really does have a way of resonating with people, especially with its beautiful architecture that carries such a rich history. It's wonderful that you noticed the similarities with Brazil — the shared heritage definitely creates a special connection between the two. I hope you get to experience Portugal in person soon; the atmosphere and the vibrant colors are even more captivating when you're there. Thanks for stopping by :-)

Super cool! I can’t wait to go to Portugal 🇵🇹 Did you know I had a Portugal surname. Thank you for sharing about your trip. The White House look so beautiful with those tiles. The promenade looks so calming, the cafés and craft shops are amazing too. 🫶🏻

Hello @coffeenlove! Mascarenhas i noticed😉 Really glad you like it. Thank U so much for you comment :-)

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Que fotos!
Qual é a câmera?

Que bom ler um excelente post como esse na nossa querida língua portuguesa. É muito satisfatório! Parabéns, me deixou com vontade!


Olá @crazyphantombr! As fotos foram tiradas com o telemovel 😉 muito obrigada pelo seu comentário e por ter passado por aqui :-)

Thank you so much for sharing the wonderful view of the cobbled road and the rock-cut water with the wonderful feeling. This beautiful city is clean and beautiful to see. Thank you so much for putting together these wonderful images of your trip. I wish you success in your journey

Hello @mdakash62! I'm really glad that you liked and you are welcome😊 Thank you for stopping by:-)