Passeio do Sado & Ponte Metálica - Alcácer do Sal // Riding Portugal

in #hive-16377216 days ago
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After exploring the Bailador District and the Santiago Church, we continue our tour of Alcácer do Sal, now heading towards the Ponte Metálica, one of the city's most modern landmarks. With the sun already lower, the city began to take on a new atmosphere, more peaceful and serene.


Depois de explorar o Bairro do Bailador e a Igreja de Santiago, seguimos com o nosso passeio por Alcácer do Sal, agora em direção à Ponte Metálica, um dos marcos mais modernos da cidade. Com o sol já mais baixo, a cidade começava a ganhar uma nova atmosfera, mais tranquila e serena.




The Metallic Bridge, which crosses the Sado River, is an impressive structure, both for its architecture and for the way it integrates with the urban and natural scenery of Alcácer do Sal. During the night the bridge is illuminated, offering a spectacle of colors. The lights, which change color throughout the night, transform the bridge into a true work of art over the river waters.


A Ponte Metálica, que atravessa o Rio Sado, é uma estrutura impressionante, tanto pela sua arquitetura quanto pela forma como se integra no cenário urbano e natural de Alcácer do Sal. Durante a noite a ponte fica iluminada oferecendo um espetáculo de cores. As luzes, que mudam de cor ao longo da noite, transformam a ponte numa verdadeira obra de arte sobre as águas do rio.





Shades of blue, green, purple and pink reflected on the surface of Sado, creating a game of colors in which the little girl tried to guess which one would be next. Walking across the bridge at night is an experience that mixes modernity and nature, where the calm of the river contrasts with the lights that illuminate it.


Tons de azul, verde, roxo e rosa refletiam-se na superfície do Sado, criando um jogo de cores em que a mais pequena tentava adivinhar qual seria a próxima. Caminhar pela ponte à noite é uma experiência que mistura modernidade e natureza, onde a calma do rio contrasta com as luzes que o iluminam.







After crossing the bridge, we headed to Passeio do Sado, a pleasant pedestrian area that runs along the banks of the river. At that time, the temperature was milder, and the walk became even more pleasant with the cool breeze coming from the river. Passeio do Sado is the perfect place for a night and day stroll, with benches and small rest areas along the way, allowing visitors to stop to enjoy the views.


Depois de atravessarmos a ponte, seguimos para o Passeio do Sado, uma agradável área pedonal que acompanha as margens do rio. Àquela hora, a temperatura estava mais amena, e o passeio se tornava ainda mais agradável com a brisa fresca que vinha do rio. O Passeio do Sado é o local perfeito para um passeio noturno e diurno, com bancos e pequenas áreas de descanso ao longo do caminho, permitindo que os visitantes parem para apreciar a vista.







We could hear the gentle sound of waves lapping the shores and, occasionally, the distant murmur of conversation, as some locals and visitors took advantage of the end of the day for a walk.


Podíamos ouvir o som suave das ondas a bater nas margens e, ocasionalmente, o murmúrio distante de uma conversa, enquanto alguns moradores e visitantes aproveitavam o fim de dia para uma caminhada.

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As we walked along Passeio do Sado, the city seemed to enter an even deeper state of peace, where the simple and natural beauty of Alcácer do Sal was revealed in every detail. We had a companion (with four legs) who insisted on accompanying us during this walk and who was always very friendly :-) The historic buildings stood out in the landscape, while the trees along the walk swayed gently in the breeze.


À medida que percorríamos o Passeio do Sado, a cidade parecia entrar em um estado de paz ainda mais profundo, onde a beleza simples e natural de Alcácer do Sal se revelava em cada detalhe. Tivemos um companheiro (de quatro patas) que fez questão de nos acompanhar durante esta caminhada e que foi sempre muito amigável :-) Os edifícios históricos, destacavam-se na paisagem, enquanto as árvores ao longo do passeio balançavam suavemente com a brisa.


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From the history and tradition of the historic center and neighborhoods to the illuminated modernity of the Metallic Bridge and the serenity of Passeio do Sado, the city has shown itself to be a place where the old and the new coexist in perfect harmony.


Desde a história e tradição do centro histórico e dos bairros até a modernidade iluminada da Ponte Metálica e a serenidade do Passeio do Sado, a cidade mostrou-se como um lugar onde o antigo e o novo coexistem em perfeita harmonia.




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I hope you enjoyed.
See you around.
Wishing you much peace and health

Those who pass by us do not go alone. They leave a bit of themselves, taking a piece of us."
Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince.


"The Template cover used in this post is from Canva - Created by Misia"

Text & Photography by @Onyfest

With love @onyfest


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Oh, what a beautiful place, and with doggy company included! I must confess that as I was reading I was dying to see the bridge at night, it looks even better than I imagined! I congratulate you for the post and the pictures that went with it!

Hi there @littlesorceress :-) Thank U so much for your kind words and for stopping by😊Really glad you like it!

Thanks to you, I really enjoyed this trip and your pictures. Keep it up!

whoa, that place is so beautiful. There are so many things to do but it looks like the sun is really hot.

Hello @isdarmady! It was a really hot summer day 😉 But it was worthy! Thank you for stopping by😊

The scenes of nature are very beautiful in the pictures taken by you. Thank you!

Hello @sharminmim ! Really glad you like it 😊 Thank U so much for stopping by!

You are welcome :)

The place looks very nice from day time to night time but as an evening person I would surely enjoy there during night time. Sitting under the bridge and observing the surrounding

Hello @yourcap! It really is very beautiful and night brings out the best part of the bridge! Glad you like it😊 Thank U

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Thank U:-)

Always a pleasure @onyfest👍

Congratulations @onyfest! You received a sweet smile from TravelFeed. We love your work so keep up the good job. 😊

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