From The Start - Laufey / VIBES Web 3 Music Competition Week 20

in #hive-14016912 days ago

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¡Qué dice la gente de Hive! Espero se encuentre muy bien. Hoy quiero compartirles mi participación en Vibes Web 3 Music Competition, en esta oportunidad les traigo un formato nuevo: este es mi primer cover cantando y tocando ukelele 👀

La verdad nunca he considerado que tenga dotes de cantante, pero desde hace mucho tiempo que no participaba en el Vibes debido a que he tenido poco acceso a mi batería, y sinceramente extrañaba subir covers, asi que me animé a aprenderme esta canción que tanto me gusta.

El ukele es además un instrumento que empecé a aprender por mi cuenta hace 3 meses gracias a que una amiga que me prestó su instrumento, así que tanto tocar este instrumento como mostrar mi voz en internet es algo nuevo para mi (así que por favor sean amables jaja).

La canción que elegí es "From the start” de Laufey, es una canción que me gusta mucho, me encanta la melodía y el ritmo de bossa que tiene, estoy segura que la conocen porque estuvo muy sonada hace unos meses. Si quieren cantarla o ver de que se trata por acá debajo les dejo la letra 😉

From the start (Desde el comienzo)

¿No te das cuenta que
Me quedo inmóvil cuando nos quedamos a solas?
Tú y yo y un silencio incómodo
No te atrevas a mirarme de esa manera
No necesito que me recuerdes que no sientes lo mismo

Oh, el dolor ardiente
Cuando te escucho hablar sin parar acerca de tu nueva alma gemela
"Es tan perfecta", bla, bla, bla
Oh, cuánto desearía que despiertes un día
Corras hacia mí, me confieses tu amor, por lo menos déjame decirte

Que cuando hablo contigo
Oh, Cupido pasa
Y atraviesa mi corazón con una flecha
Sueno como una boba
Pero ¿tú no lo sientes también?
Confieso que te amé desde el comienzo

¿Qué se supone que haga esta chica
Tendida sobre mi cama, viendo a la nada?
No correspondida, aterrada
El amor está volviéndome un poco loca
Tengo que sacarme esto del pecho, hoy te digo

Que cuando hablo contigo
Oh, Cupido pasa
Y atraviesa mi corazón con una flecha
Sueno como una boba
Pero ¿tú no lo sientes también?
Confieso que te amé desde el comienzo

Confieso que te amé
Pienso en ti nada más
Sé que te he amado desde el comienzo

What's up Hivers! I hope you are fine. This time I want to share with you my participation in Vibes Web 3 Music Competition, this time I bring you a new format: this is my first cover singing and playing ukulele 👀.

The truth is that I've never considered myself to be a good singer, but it's been a long time since I've participated in Vibes because I've had little access to my drums at the moment, and honestly I missed uploading covers, so I decided to learn this song that I like so much in a more accessible and transportable instrument.

The ukele is also an instrument that I started to learn on my own 3 months ago thanks to a friend who lent me her instrument, so both playing this instrument and showing my voice on the internet is something new for me (so please be kind haha).

The song I chose is “From the start” by Laufey, it's a song that I really like, I love the melody and the bossa rhythm it has, I'm sure you know it because it was very popular a few months ago. If you want to sing it or see what it's about, here are the lyrics 😉

From the start

Don't you notice how
I get quiet when there's no one else around?
Me and you and awkward silence
Don't you dare look at me that way
I don't need reminders of how you don't feel the same

Oh, the burning pain
Listening to you harp on 'bout some new soulmate
"She's so perfect," blah, blah, blah
Oh, how I wish you'll wake up one day
Run to me, confess your love, at least just let me say

That when I talk to you
Oh, Cupid walks right through
And shoots an arrow through my heart
And I sound like a loon
But don't you feel it, too?
Confess I loved you from the start

What's a girl to do?
Lying on my bed staring into the bluе
Unrequited, terrifying
Lovе is driving me a bit insane
Have to get this off my chest, I'm telling you today

That when I talk to you
Oh, Cupid walks right through
And shoots an arrow through my heart
And I sound like a loon
But don't you feel it, too?
Confess I loved you from the start

Confess I loved you
Just thinking of you
I know I've loved you from the start

Canción Original / Original song

Espero disfruten el cover y me digan en los comentarios que les pareció. Nos vemos pronto con más música, hasta la próxima 😌✨

I hope you enjoy the cover and let me know in the comments what you think of it. See you soon with more music, till next time 😌✨

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▶️ 3Speak


amo esto mal🩷🩷🩷

muy buen cover, se escucha el efecto ecualizador en el fondo y ademas cantas con una paz que se percibe en la cancion relajante :D

Hola @dobro2020! Que bonito que te haya parecido relajante el sonido, gracias <3 Este es mi primer cover cantando asi que me motiva mucho recibir este tipo de comentarios.

El efecto que utilicé es un reverb hecho por MNTRA Instruments llamado Borealis, me parece que es muy bueno, ahi te dejé los links por si te interesa echarle un ojo.

Gracias por pasar por acá, que tengas una linda semana!

Brutaaal amiga, no sabía que también cantabas, está muy brutaaal, exitooo🤘🏻🤘🏻

Man yo tampoco sabía JAJAJ 😂 apenas toy saliendo del cascarón.
Gracias por pasarte y dejar tu buena energía por acá, un fuerte abrazo!


You or @michelleortega should have told your friend about the contest deadline cut off time yesterday 😎 lol but now I’m looking forward to more entries from the meganova band members.

hello, by the time ori uploaded his participation it was still September 20, where we live, in venezuela

Hey andrea, as I explained to @michelleortega. Please for the future don’t wait to post the last day of the competition. The time difference between venezuela and Germany is 6 hours. And the contest ended at 10am germany time on september 20th. So when your bandmember posted her entry. She was well over the cut off time for acceptable entries on the last day. The last day is not even a full day and for venezuela. She would have had to post it exactly after midnight and had up until only 4 hours time aka 4am for it to be acceptable within this small window of time.

Verbal! Thank you for for mentioning Meganova, it's true what Andrea said, it was because the time change :(

You are very welcome. I always tell people to post the day before the deadline because the last day actually ends 10am in the morning Germany time CEST time.
Which is 4am Venezuelan time. So entries were only accepted for the first 4 hours of the 20th of September. But for 10 hours since midnight for CEST Time. That is why her entry was unfortunately late. But I will see if we can make adjustments next time to accomodate this issue.


That was a great performance, i love it, because you nailed, your voice goes along with it and make it so touching 🥰🙏

Hey @oripenalver.
We haven’t seen you back since Week 7. Welcome back to the competition. I became an official Vibes judge in Week 8. This is my first time coming across an entry from you but I’ve check a couple of your other entries which were of you playing the drums. You are very talented in various areas of music.

I thoroughly enjoyed your music cover of “From The Start” by Laurey. You may disagree but I actually prefer your Ukelele soft acoustic version with your smooth singing vocals over the original. You did a great job and I would like to hear more from you.

Unfortunately your entry is past the deadline for week 20 for acceptable entries. Otherwise I would have nominated this into the Top 10 for the Community Voting that starts soon, most likely tomorrow.
Hope to see you again in the future coming weeks with more awesome entries like these. Thanks for the gift of music and stay creative and inspired.

Hi @verbal-d!
Thanks for stopping by and for taking the time to look at my previous covers, I really appreciate that 🙌🏻

As a drummer I have never been in the top 10 before, I never thought that singing would make it. This is the first singing cover that I uploaded to the internet and I never imagined that I could almost have been among the selection of possible winners, if it wasn't for the time change 😂 (Sorry I'll keep it in mind for the next one). It surprises me and motivates me to keep singing.

Once again thanks for stopping by and for your nice words, sorry to my friends who didn't tell me about the time change hahahah.

Have a wonderful week!✨