Trumpet Duet//Cover of Say Something I'm Giving Up On You by @Ovey10

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Trumpet Duet//Cover of Say Something I'm Giving Up On You by @Ovey10



Hola amigos de la comunidad musical, se siente tan bien estar aquí hoy nuevamente. Feliz fin de semana a todos, creo que estamos aprovechando al máximo el fin de semana.

Hoy comparto con todos ustedes una versión de trompeta de "Say Something I'm Giving Up On You" de A Great Big World con Christina. En uno u otro hemos experimentado el desconsuelo de aquellos a quienes una vez amamos y necesitábamos vivir separados unos de otros. Nunca es tarea fácil tener que vivir sin esa persona que siempre has amado y con la que siempre has querido estar. Nunca pretendemos que nos sucedan cosas así, pero momentos como ese suelen llegar cuando hay malentendidos entre dos amantes.

Esta canción "Say Something I'm Giving Up On You" establece claramente que los dos amantes han llegado a un punto en el que se debe tomar la decisión de mantener o romper la relación. La mayoría de las veces, estos problemas no indican que las dos partes no se aman nuevamente, sino que debido a que no pueden llegar a un punto de resolución en sus desacuerdos, tienden a tomar caminos separados.

Tengo experiencia en ese momento de la vida en el que necesitabas elegir entre dos cosas importantes que son todas importantes para mí. Muchas veces se trata de una manera en la que tienes que decidir cuál debe quedarse y cuál debe irse porque los dos nunca podrán estar juntos. Este tipo de decisiones normalmente conllevan dificultades y dolor incluso después de todo el drama, pero lo importante es que se tome la decisión correcta. El dolor puede sanar pero las malas decisiones pueden perjudicarnos por el resto de nuestras vidas.


En mi video de arriba, intenté hacer un dueto de la canción con mi trompeta y fusionar las dos pantallas para que el video pueda ser más apreciable. Extraje los instrumentos de sonido de la aplicación Moises que usé como música de fondo.

Es realmente un honor compartir con ustedes toda la música de hoy..
Mantengamos el amor fluyendo, el mundo necesita amor y no guerra. Recuerda hacer sonreír a alguien hoy...
Gracias 🙏🙏


Di algo, te estoy abandonando
Seré yo si quieres que lo haga
En donde quiera te seguiría
Di algo, te estoy abandonando

Y yo... me siento tan pequeño
Estaba sobre mi cabeza
no sé nada en absoluto
Y voy a tropezar y caer
todavia estoy aprendiendo a amar
Acaba de empezar a gatear

Di algo, te estoy abandonando
Lamento no haber podido llegar a ti
En donde quiera te seguiría
Di algo, te estoy abandonando

Y me tragaré mi orgullo
Eres a quien amo
Y me despido



Hello friends of the music community, it feels so great to be here today again. Happy weekend to you all, I believe we are the most out of the weekend.

Today I share with you all a trumpet cover of "Say Something I'm Giving Up On You" by A Great Big World featuring Christina. In one or the other we've experienced heart break from the ones we once loved and needed to live apart from each other. It is never an easy task having to live without that person you've always loved and wanted to be with. We never intend for such things to happen to us but times like that use to come when misunderstanding steps in between two lovers.

This song "Say Something I'm Giving Up On You" clearly states that the two lovers have gotten to a point that the choice of holding on or breaking up the relationship is to be made. Most times these problems doesn't state that the two parties don't love each other again but because they cannot reach a point of resolution in their disagreements they tend to go their separate ways.

I have experience that point in life when you needed to choose between two important things that are all important to me. Often times it comes in a way that you have to decide which one should stay and which one should go because the two can never be together. These types of decisions normally comes with difficulties and pain even after the whole drama but what's important is that the right decision should be made. Pain can heal but bad decisions can hurt us for the rest of our lives.

In my video above, I tried to duet the song with my trumpet and merging the two screens together so the video can be more appreciable. I extracted the sound instrumentals from Moises app which I used as the background music.

It's really an honor sharing with you all music today..
Let's keep the love flowing, the world needs love and not war. Remember to make someone smile today...
Thank you 🙏🙏


Say something, I'm giving up on you
I'll be the one if you want me to
Anywhere I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you

And I... am feeling so small
It was over my head
I know nothing at all
And I... will stumble and fall
I'm still learning to love
Just starting to crawl

Say something, I'm giving up on you
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
Anywhere I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you

And I... will swallow my pride
You're the one that I love
And I'm saying goodbye

Lyrics Source

All images are mine

Thank You

▶️ 3Speak


That was great friend... That must have taken a lot of commitment to pull this one off

Hey brother, this interpretation turned out great. I recorded this song a while ago and it was a nice experience. You have done excellently. I congratulate you for the effort and for your dedicated work in playing this piece of music. I was surprised that the trumpet didn't have buttons on the pistons, that can be painful if you play fast fingering. I have great admiration for that. Greetings friend.


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