So glad to have seen this event, as it will only happen again in 2037.
Did you know that the blue moon has nothing with its color?
Even though people call it a blue moon, it does not have anything to do with colour.
Speculations on the origin of the term include an old English phrase that means ‘betrayer moon’. This was because it led to mistakes in setting the dates for Lent and Easter. Since the 1940s the term has also been used for the second full moon in a month that has two full moons. The first recorded use of ‘blue moon’ in the English language dates back to 1528.
My wife took this on her phone from below, and I decided to include this to show you my set up on the roof, in order to get the moon on the mountains.
Here below was my first glimpse of the moon rise from behind a mountain rim.
And then gradually the moon started to rise.
Rare supermoon is a highly uncommon astronomical event.
This combination only occurs a few times per few decades, making tonight’s event a highly uncommon one. Since people traditionally refer to the full moon that occurs in August as a ‘Sturgeon Moon’, this supermoon blue moon is also termed a ‘sturgeon moon’. This unusual event will not occur again until 2037. The time between super blue moons can be as much as 20 years.
A line break here to show you the distance.
Later in the night, the moon turned silver.
And then mist appeared in the skies.
Just a lovely palm shot to end off with.
If I am still on this planet in 2037, this post will always remind me of when I saw the combination first, as I have not seen this before. So, I am honored that Mother Nature showed me this. I like to take all of my photos freehand, and I don't have any editing programs like Photoshop. So, what you see here is the real thing from my camera. Of course, the camera can never see the extra beauty that the human eye can see. But I think my camera did a good job. It's for you to decide as I tried my best.
I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the story.
Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.
Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.
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