3 big Belgian insurers pay ransom to get their data of the darkweb!

in #hive-16792218 days ago


Three big Belgian insurance companies were the victim of a cyber attack last week. Belfius, DVV and P&V had received screenshots for discretional data of their customers and were in effect the victim of a hacking. The hackers collective "Killsec" had found a breach in their security through a software firm "Penbox" all three insurance companies were working with. The data was for sale on the darkweb.

Now insiders have revealed that there has been a settlement between the insurers and Killsec. So, in fact a ransom was paid to keep the data from the darkweb. The data are indeed not openly for sale anymore on the darkweb. The sum that was paid is allegedly in the 10's of millions of Euro's. But it is not specified. In fact, the companies don't even want to react to the press.

Financial security

This shows once again that financial data in the mainstream is definitely not safe at all. There have been hundreds of the hacks all over the world. And in most cases, the data can only be saved by paying the ransom.
Why don't these companies start working with blockchain technology which is so much safer. It would make them a lot less vulnerable for attacks from any kind, and they would be future proof. Yet, still for much financial institutions the software is their Achilles Heel, and the part in which the least gets invested. Very weird, but a reality.

Luckily for the customers, their data is not in the open, but it's no good news for the stock holders of these companies, they will suffer severe losses this year, because of this incident.



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