The Draghi plan is just more of the same money printing…

in #hive-16792210 days ago


John Maynard Keynes, the economist who is behind the current and last decades of economic and monetary development in the West, would be so proud of Mario Draghi today.

He deposited his development plan for the European Union at the European commission today. And surprise, surprise, it is more of the same we have done for decades. More lending and money printing by the central banks, in this case to fund development of the industry in Europe. Especially the automotive industry, with still the same CO2 goals. No more combustion engines in Europe by 2035! Despite the fact that the rest of the world doesn’t have that goal…

800 billion EUR

A whopping 800 billion EUR will be lent and printed by thf European Central Bank to fund all this.

This will create more inflation, more of thr same corruption and more of the same wealth creation for the 1 %. And for the rest of us, more of that immense debt to pay off in the form of taxes…

What was I thinking? Change? Hell no!

