What does an EU parliament member make monthly?

in #hive-1679222 months ago

Fidias, the YouTuber

Fidias, a YouTuber from Cyprus did the unthinkable, he use his popularity on YouTube to get elected as an European Parliament member. And now he is exposing everything on his YouTube channel and on X. It is hilarious and sad at the same time.

His first post on X as an official elected EU member was one to show how much he gets paid. Hold on to your hats, it is a lot!

  • First, he gets 8000 EUR per month salary
  • Second, for every meeting of the parliament he gets an extra 350 EUR
  • Then he gets 30000 EUR per month to spend on personnel
  • Together with that he receives 5000 EUR per month for his "home office"
  • An additional 4000 EUR per month for promoting himself
  • 10000 EUR per month for travelling expenses
  • And this all comes with a chauffeur and a free car at his disposal at every moment


The best part of this all is, this is all tax free, no European Parliament worker has to pay income tax, not the maid, nor the drivers, and definitely not the EU members of parliament.

Now, think of this, there are 900 of these EU parliament members. If you add all this up, you notice that this is a shitload of money that goes down the drain. It is a multi billion dollar sinkhole of the European Union, and in my opinion, it is spitting in the face of every European there is!

Luckily, this gets lots more attention because of this crazy YouTuber. I hope he enjoys the money, but I sincelery hope it will create enough buzz to change this disgrace!



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that's just wrong!