The other day, from my @fjworld account I posted that I was hoping to see HBAR trading at a dollar before DOGE
Four days ago, on Leo thread I said...
At the time...
For the record, #doge is at 0.3071 USD and #hbar is at 0.2635 USD
Now I like to play, have fun and the by product of my fun is a little extra disposable income. And I have been playing with both DOGE and HBAR for about a year. DOGE longer.
To me, HBAR is for long term capital appreciation and DOGE I use to transfer funds across my digital accounts. Today I see that that HBAR is recovering nicely. Because of the recent volatility across many digital assets, I was able to sell some HBAR for profit and buy it back for the next cycle. In fact, I am not a greedy person so I sold half my holdings twice because HBAR doubled twice in the last month.
This is the kind of excitement I enjoy. And I often share cause I like to see other people make a profit. So just by being disciplined and following a well defined strategy one can easily make a profit. That is, if they are not too greedy.
If your interested in what I do and like to Learn Before You Earn, I invite you to check out the #PEPT community Project ePayTraffic and token I have created. Well, I have created several tokens to support the PEPT ecosystem I am building. You are welcome to join and share. I am continuously learning and improving many aspects of my life so I am sure I can learn from your sharing as well. Its a collaborative journey to digital wealth.
May Positive pepEntropy be with you.