Proof Of Humanity .:. HiveFest9 Reflection Post (Part 2)

in #hive-10625811 days ago

I thought that this post would come out a few days after my first part of HiveFest9 Reflection thoughts, but I didn't make it... "Better late than never!" Recently, I've been using that saying a lot... 🙂

Firstly, why this title? I have seen people talking about HIVE numerous times as a platform where upvotes are made by some machine, or as some bot giving free money to creators on this network... I know that HIVE can be overwhelming to understand how it works, and all the blockchain terminology isn't easy to grasp... But, certain things aren't that hard to understand... For example, no AI behind HIVE is clicking on the upvote (and downvote) button... Behind those actions, there is a human being!!! And the best proof that usernames are real people is to attend some live event and connect the dots, see it, and feel it on your own skin!

I was lucky enough that I was able to attend multiple (HIVE) live events, and this post will be about those people that I met at least 2 times, and some of them became part of my close friends' circle! Who says that you can't make friends online? 😃 As it is almost a month from the event, I had to re-pass the list of attendees to not miss someone... And I will probably miss someone, but no worries, it wasn't my intention... It's just my brain lacking memory cells... 😃 So here we are...

People that I met before!

my photo

I will start with the first day of presentations, but the rest of this post is all around and about the event... Without any specific order... @elmirabear is one of those Hivians that you have to have a chat with... Even when you don't talk to her, you learn something about her... I met her for the first time at @BuzzParty in Hamburg, when she approached me after my presentation and we had a great talk! A great person whose only desire is to make this world a better place... She isn't an OG on HIVE, but she is learning fast and she is already doing a great job here! Give her a follow and engage with her!

my photo

You probably know this German gang... No, it's not a glitch in the Matrix, those are 2 different persons, @louis88 and @rivalzzz... 🙂 Our HIVE photographers, Hive witnesses, coders, and who knows what more... The mastermind in the back is @detlev, one of the OGs on HIVE who does so many things for the community and helps out everyone! Always there to give a hand, to jump into fire when it's needed... A real pleasure to know you guys!

my photo

photo by @bil.prag

The second row in this photo is quite interesting... I met all three for the second time in Split, @steevc, @alessandrawhite, and @bitterirony... I met Steevc in HiveFest, Amsterdam, two years ago, as he was hanging out with @risingstargame (Jux) and we shared the table at the closing dinner there! This time, we had a bit more time to talk and it was a pleasure to do it!

The "American couple" are such a great folks! I met @alessandrawhite and @bitterirony, at @BuzzParty, Hamburg and we had such a good time there! We were hanging out every day and we were "last man standing" that last night at the "unknown bar"... 😃 It was great to meet you guys again and to have a pleasant chat! I know we will meet again soon, no doubt!

photo by @livinguktaiwan

I like this photo!!! This is probably one of my favorites from the HiveFest! I could name everyone in this paragraph (I will keep some of them for later 😃), but this time, I would like to mention @evelynchacin! I met her for the first time at @HiveBeecon in Krakow last year and I can't forget her happy face when she realized that she can speak with someone in Spanish (more with my wife than myself... lol) in the middle of Poland! At those moments, she was pregnant, but she had so much will to come at that event... The same went this time, she came accompanied by her lovely husband and little Olivia, the youngest Hivian on HiveFest!!!

photo by @louis88

Another living Hive legend is @lizanomadsoul... I met her for the first time in Amsterdam and I remembered very well her HIVE username! I was curious about the digital nomads, and we had a short conversation there, but I was happy that this year, we had a lot more time for talks! As you can see from this photo, we were deeply in some conversation, of who knows about what... lol... There are some other photos where we had some more "fiery" discussions... 😃

photo by @livinguktaiwan

Speaking of fiery discussions, this photo was taken in the middle of one... 😀 When people are passionate about things like @livinguktaiwan and @delishtreats are, you know that they CARE about them! These two girls, OMG, they are real fire! 😃 Doing so many great things on HIVE (and for HIVE), but in the background, unselfishly, and people are not really aware of how important they are! I met both at the @HiveBeecon event where we had a great time! This year, we had a few talks, but you know how it goes... When you enjoy someone's company, you always want MORE... 🙂 See you girls at the next Hive event (or before!)!

photo by @livinguktaiwan

The next two guys are HIVE celebrities, @jarvie (behind me in the photo) and @gandalf (you know who he is 😃)! Jarvie is a mastermind behind Peakd and we had a nice talk in front of the beer bar (no we were not drunk 😜), and also in the restaurant where he came last to the table and got first his order... 😜 I met Gandalf multiple times, and I'm forever grateful to him for organizing @HiveBeeCon last year, as I met a lot of these awesome people there!

photo by @bil.prag

Do you know that I told you at the beginning that Hivians aren't bots or machines? Well, I'm not sure about this guy, @rmach is maybe a machine! 😃 He was everywhere at HiveFest! At every presentation, at every bar, every excursion, and every late-night dancing bar!! I have no idea how he made it everywhere?! Maybe he has a clone as @louis88 has @rivalzzz (and vice-versa)? 😂 I met @rmach in Amsterdam and if you want to meet him, don't forget to attend the next HiveFest, as he will be there!

photo by @louis88

Speaking of people who are always "there", @roelandp is one of them! I wasn't there when the first HiveFest took place, but I suppose it was his idea... Every next HiveFest is better than the previous one as Roeland is taking care of the crucial, organizational things! Thanks, man for everything that you have done (and are doing!)!

my photo

I met @starkerz for the first time in HiveFest, Amsterdam, but as that was my first "Hive event", I was intimidated to talk with him back then... He was a "big name" and I was too shy to begin the conversation... This year, we fixed that and we had so many great talks and a lot of fun during the event! We were even photobombing other Hivians who wanted to create "serious" photos... 😂

photo by @bil.prag

This year, somehow I didn't have enough time to talk with @hallmann and @foggymeadow, people that I met in Krakow last year... When we were in The Kingdom, we had many, long talks about different things, not just about HIVE... It was great to see David talking about The Kingdom on stage and seeing the whole project growing fast, making a big impact on so many people in Poland!

photo by @louis88

Did I mention Hive Legends? @vcelier is definitely one of them! There is a chance that you didn't hear about him, but he is a great guy! It looks so serious, but we had some great laughs in Amsterdam and in Split!

photo by @bil.prag

I didn't meet many people 3 times (or more), but I did meet @zirochka in Amsterdam, Krakow, and now in Split! It's always great to see old friends again... As this year, there were over 100 participants at HiveFest, we didn't have too much time to talk... We will make it up at the next Hive meetup!

I would like to mention one more person here who doesn't want to be in photos... I'm honored that I know what he looks like 😃, @solarwarrior is a guy that I met in Hamburg for the first time, and now again in Split... I like people with a specific humor, and he has that... Thanks for the laughs! 😃

The family

Okay, I said that there is no specific order in this post, but I have to highlight some of my Hive friends that I could freely call my Hive family!

photo by @rivalzzz

One of the family members is @bil.prag! I met him for the first time in Amsterdam, and we met again at the Novi Sad Hive meetup this summer! Meeting him again in Split was a pleasure and we were hanging out a lot during the whole event... Yes, he was "working" (taking a lot of these photos), but I'm glad that he found some free time to chat and have fun too... He is one of those worker bees who are doing a great job but sometimes stay "invisible"...

photo by @bil.prag (his camera, but I suppose someone else took the photo 😃

my photo

I met @ninaeatshere for the first time in Zaragoza last year (I think?) when @palomap3 introduced us (my wife and me) to her... She immediately takes care of us and all our "food needs" taking us to the best restaurants in the city! I remember one late night in Zaragoza when we were standing in the middle of the street, talking and without the will to say goodbye... The same thing happened in @BuzzParty, Hamburg in already mentioned bar... The HiveFest, Split was the 3rd time that we met, and I'm happy that she got much more involved in HIVE than she was before as she is a very valuable part of our social network!

my photo

Speaking of 3rd timers, @cryptospa is another Hivian that I had a chance to meet for the 3rd time! After Amsterdam and Hamburg, it was time to hang out in Croatia! Where will we meet next year, buddy? 🙂

photo by @ninaeatshere

my photo

The same goes for @arcange who I met in Amsterdam for the first time, got to know him better in Hamburg where we had first "serious talks", and finally, meeting him in Split made those bonds even stronger... After his presentation at this year's HiveFest, I thanked him personally for it, as it showed exactly what I want to show in this post... Hive is a living community, where people take care of each other and truly care about the platform... I know that sometimes it doesn't look like that, but believe me, HF was full of passionate Hivians who do care! Arcange is one of them, too!

my photo

photo by @bil.prag

And in the end, not that they mean to me the least, I would like to mention @growandbow and @llunasoul... I met them for the first time in Krakow, but despite that we are living an opposite lifestyle, something just clicked... We spent a lot of time together in Poland, maybe a bit less in Split, but it was a quality time! So much understanding and caring about each other is something that you can't experience too many times nowadays... Well, these guys are living it! So happy that I met them again and that we had time to hang out again... I know we will have more occasions to meet and have fun in the future!

PS. Oh, I almost forgot again to mention some people who didn't make it to the HiveFest this year, but they were still supporting @liotes, @achim03, and me through the YouTube chat while we had our presentation! I saw you guys, @melinda010100, @palomap3, @risingstargame, and @untilwelearn! Thanks for your support!

Screenshot from 2024-09-12 23-50-19.png
Screenshot from

So, I have finally done it... Maybe this wasn't the HiveFest reflection post that you expected, but HiveFest is a lot more than just presentations that you can see on the stage over a YouTube stream... HiveFest is much more than just a blockchain convention, or a conference... HiveFest is like a Christmas dinner or a Thanksgiving Day celebration... It is a yearly, family gathering, that you don't want to miss... Some of these beautiful people came to the event just to meet you, so you can't skip the next one! See you at the next Hive meetup!

Thank you for your time,


Liotes Divider Blue.png

👉 Vote for Liotes HIVE Witness HERE 👈

Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on Ecency .:. Twitter .:. LBRY


What a great photo collection! 😁 this deserves an album.

Hehehe... I successfully "stole" many photos from other authors... 😃 And every time I say to myself, "I will not forget to take more photos", and every time I forget... lol... Do many great people to talk to and have fun with, and I forget about photos... Luckily, we have some great photographers on HIVE that take care of that part!!!

I saw some amazing photos all around and the food! I've always been into Hive Fest food cause they look damn delicious 😊

Alsoooo you might be interested in this 🤣

That's unfortunate, I think that the ultimate role for a thief is a Minister of Finance.

That sounds more fitting 😂

I saw a post on HIVE about that... Have no nice words about it... lol...


hahaha I was honestly surprised, like why tho🤣

@ph1102 next year if you are here at the time of Floating Man Festival we have to go to promote Hive 😂

That's a must 😂 and maybe ask the prime minister about Hive hahaha


Yeah, at meetings where there are a lot of people I always feel a bit lost and never can manage to talk to everyone :( I hope that next time (may be in the Kingdom) there will be an opportunity to talk longer :)

Oh, there will be an opportunity, for sure! Can't wait for the next Hive meetup!

I think it was Nina taking that photo (99% sure), too much information to little time (sleep) to process it all 😄

Hope we meet somewhere before your next home vacation 😀

Oh, so @ninaeatshere did that photo! She has done a good job, have to say... Finally, someone got you in the photo!! 😃

Hope we meet somewhere before your next home vacation 😀

I'm aiming for the BuzzParty in Graz in May 2025, but we will see what happens... :)

saw that. looks interesting. date is a bit unfortunate as 1 May is the biggest holiday ever 😂

There seems to be so much people there. It just shows you how much people are on Hive and active. It's a pretty decent large community and it looks like a lot of fun.

There were around 100 Hivians at the event which is kind of a perfect number... With 3-4 days of events and networking, everyone could meet everyone... or at least, almost everyone... 🙂

"Hive is a living community, where people take care of each other and truly care about the platform" This 100%!

I suppose that you have some live encounters with Hivians at your place and you know that's true! :)

What an awesome post! It's nice to put a face to some of the names that I see on Hive. Hehe!

Thanks! That was the point of the post! To show that those HIVE usernames are real people and not some bots... 😃

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$PIZZA slices delivered:
@danzocal(7/10) tipped @ph1102

I'm changing to rmachine 😁


Hehehe... Now I understand the meaning behind your HIVE username!!! 😃

Lol the living legend 😎! Was great to see you again and have some time for deeper talks @ph1102 !! Already looking forward to our next meetup! Will you be in Graz as well?

I will try to make it, for sure... Atm, thinking more than a week in advance is a challenge... 😃
But, let us stay positive... See you in Graz! 🙂

🐝That´s the spirit @ph1102👍👍

That's an amazing post. I like your words, how you tell your experience with and perspective of people. So kind <3<3
The photos are beautiful.

Well done ma mate ✌🏽😌

Thank you very much! HIVE is people! Sometimes people forget that and it's nice to remind them... 😃 Attending HiveFest, or some other Hive meetup is a great way to acknowledge the importance of people and connections made (t)here!

I suggest to check this one out guys www.minepi/zdigital huge airdrops. It will go live early 2025.

These people do feel a bit like family as I have met many of them several times now at a few Fests and other events. I like how it doesn't matter how big your account is, it's what you have to say that people care about.

See you next time...



I saw some exceptions with people chasing "big heads", but the majority was like you said, hanging out with everyone! I know that I really tried to mix with as many people as possible, but it was just impossible to do it as there were many... 😃

See you at the next one!!!

Hive is an interesting community and it's full of great minds, some of whom you met at this year's Hivefest. From your account of the event it sounds like it was a lively, fun and educative meeting of like minds and it's all for the good and growth of the blockchain. I hope to attend one one day. Thanks for sharing the experience. I enjoyed reading it. Have a great day.

Thanks for checking out the post! Happy to hear that you liked it!
I wasn't able to attend the HF last year and I was frustrated about it... But, I found another solution and attended a smaller Hive meetup that was closer to my place... You can do the same! If there are no meetups in your area, organize one! You will have a lot of fun, granted!


Thank you for remembering and mentioning me, hopefully one day I can also be one of the attendees at HiveFest. At the moment I have to settle for sending ambassadors. 😁

You are most welcome! I think that you would do great attending HiveFest! You know so many Hivians online and they would be happy to meet you in person... ❤️

Good Night Sleeping GIF by Lucas and Friends by RV AppStudios

Esa foto es una de mis favoritas también. Yo tampoco puedo olvidar el alivio que sentí al saber que había alguien ahí en el HiveBeeCon en Cracovia que también hablaba español y tampoco puedo olvidar como perdimos gracias a mí en el juego jajaja ah y mi grande barriga de embarazada que tenía en ese momentojajaja

Es tan genial conocerte! Me agradas muchísimo, tu esposa también aunque es una lastima que no pude verla en el Hivefest pero espero volver a verlos pronto o quizá nosotros vamos primero a España jajaja (aquí soñando jajaja)

Ahhh @ninaeatshere es increíble también, y me encanta que se preocupa de nuestras necesidades alimentarias jajaja

Muy agradecido por estos buenos recuerdos! Nos vemos pronto! 😃

I wish every active and enriching users on HIVE would meet each other somewhere in the world. HIVE Fest is a great chance for that, but not everybody can afford participating in it somehow.

Recently, I have seen more and more people from Turkiye on HIVE... Maybe you should create a Hive meetup somewhere? These smaller meetups used to be even more fun than huge gatherings...

It's so much fun to see faces to go with the names and hear your stories! Thanks for putting this together! ♥️

You are welcome! Thanks for all your support!
I'm glad that you liked the photos and the stories!

It's great when you meet great people on this platform, anyone would want to be like you chatting and sharing all things hive with hive friends from all over the world. You know I finish reading your posts with a smile on my face, imagining when I have the same opportunity as you it would be amazing. I'm learning English right now so hopefully one day I can meet you and other hive friends!!!

I'm so happy to hear that the post made you smile!!! I hope you will make it to one of the next HiveFests!

Good luck with your English lessons! I was learning Spanish for the first time when I was over 30, so it was possible to learn a foreign language even then... Of course, you are younger, so you will probably do it much better and faster! 🙂

I wish I had the same opportunity as you.

Yeah I'm really trying, even though I'm just starting out I'm sure I can, self-taught, relying on the material when I worked at the English language center first.😁

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Reading this post and other posts from everyone who has written about Hive Fest, leaves just the idea you share, Hive Fest is a family reunion. It would be an honor to be able to participate in one someday...even if I don't talk to anyone (for shyness and language 🤭😂) maybe I'll get lucky like Evelynchacin and be Mipiano to speak in Spanish 😉😆.

Nice weekend. Greetings to both of you.

I hope you will join one of the next HiveFests! It would be great to have you there, a finally meet you in live! 😃 Btw. there were more than a couple of folks speaking Spanish at HiveFest, so no worries about that... 😃

Thank you for noticing and mentioning me! Hopefully some year I will be present there and celebrate this festival with all of you. It was such an amazing experience to hear about all of your visions and projects.
We really enjoyed seeing you all, even if it was through live streaming. 😊🍻

I hope you will make it to some of the next HiveFest! It would be awesome to meet you!
Thanks again for the YT support! 🙏

!discovery 30
@tipu curate

Thanks for your curation! Appreciate it!

Do you remember how we joked about who will write the last post from Hivebeecon last year? When I saw all those posts popping up right after HiveFest I wondered if it's going to be me or you this time, and it looks like you won by far 😂

Thank you for your kind words and that photo. I have completely forgotten about it, so now I can add it to my HiveFest collection 😉

I remember that we were joking about it... hahahaha... I wanted to do it earlier, but I wasn't physically able to do it... Anyway, when I saw your post, I told to myself, "If she did it, now it's the last moment to do it... and close the HiveFest posts season..." 😂 🤣 I won! 😂

Thank you for your kind words and that photo. I have completely forgotten about it, so now I can add it to my HiveFest collection 😉

It's a great photo! Luckily, @livinguktaiwan didn't forget to take that selfie photo as I did... 😂

Haha - what a lovely reflection! Thank you @ph1102 for the mention and also for the brilliant overview and throwback to Hivefest! Thank you also - because now I do not feel embarrassed to talk about Hivefest results and what I learned there.
I hope to see you at @buzzparty in Graz in 2025 :) It's my hometown and I am really looking forward to it!

I really hope that I will make it to Graz! A lot of stuff is happening at the moment, so Graz is still far away... 😃

See you!

I wish we could have more time to talk. But I did like your presentation!

Thank you very much! We will have more opportunities to chat, I'm sure... See you at the next Hive meetup! 🙂

And I hope you will come with your lovely wife 😉

I will probably need help to convince her to go... When the time comes, I will poke you and others to encourage her to go! 😃

You can count on my support 😉

Hivefest did it again as being a great event, with a very diverse and fun crowd that I can just hang up all day. It's never boring in Hive world as there are so many different attitudes, views and passions and also people that actually do stuff for the betterment of Hive.

Well said! That's what makes HiveFest unique! It's not just developers gathering around, but mixing between different layers, exchanging information, trying to make this place even better!
I enjoyed it very much and will try to make it to the next one again!

Hey @ph1102, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.