New OMODA E5 2024

in #cars16 days ago

How exciting! We got invited to an official car brand launch in London. Squeeeee.🤓

Two days ago, Ben and I travelled down South, and headed to Magazine London, a new venue with stunning backdrops of the city skyline – and what we found there was jaw droppingly good – the all new OMODA UK, and on show, their all electric E5 crossover.

From futuristic concept cars to cutting-edge electric vehicles, OMODA is aiming to make a significant impact on the UK automotive scene. The launch event was a blend of technology, design, and a glimpse into what the future holds for OMODA in the UK.

The choice of Magazine London for the OMODA UK Official Launch was no accident. This venue, with its contemporary design and expansive open spaces, mirrored the innovative spirit of OMODA perfectly. The sleek lines and industrial chic of Magazine London complemented the brand’s modern ethos, making it an ideal location to showcase OMODA’s vision for the future of mobility.

As we arrived at the event, the atmosphere was charged with excitement. The building’s minimalist design, combined with the energy of the launch, created a sense of anticipation that something truly special was about to be unveiled. The venue was set up to allow guests to fully immerse themselves in the OMODA experience, with interactive displays, immersive digital presentations, and of course, the star of the show—the OMODA 5 and the E5 – which we take a closer look at here…

This E5 is set to play a key role in their UK strategy. Sleek, aerodynamic, and packed with the latest in electric vehicle technology, these cars are clearly designed with the modern driver in mind. With its sharp, futuristic lines, the car looked like something straight out of a sci-fi movie. But it’s not just about looks—OMODA’s electric vehicles boast impressive range, fast-charging capabilities, and a suite of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) that make driving safer and more intuitive.

Throughout the launch event, one theme was consistently emphasised: technology. OMODA is positioning itself as a tech-forward brand, and this was evident in every aspect of the vehicles on display. From the electric powertrains to the digital cockpits, OMODA’s cars are designed to integrate seamlessly with the digital lifestyles of modern drivers.

Safety is a top priority for OMODA, and their vehicles are equipped with some of the most advanced driver assistance systems on the market. From adaptive cruise control and lane-keeping assist to automated parking and collision avoidance, these features are designed to make driving not only safer but also more enjoyable.

As a new entrant into the UK automotive market, OMODA is clearly positioning itself as a forward-thinking, premium brand with a focus on technology, and design. The launch event at Magazine London was not just about showcasing cars—it was about introducing a new brand ethos to the UK, one that aligns with the evolving needs and expectations of modern drivers. In line with global trends, OMODA is placing a strong emphasis on sustainability. Their electric vehicle range is designed to offer eco-friendly alternatives without compromising on performance or luxury. The brand’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint was evident not only in the vehicles themselves but also in the way the launch event was conducted, with a focus on minimal environmental impact.

OMODA’s decision to launch at Magazine London was a statement of intent—OMODA is here to stay, and they’re ready to make a significant impact. The brand’s focus on blending cutting-edge technology with sustainable driving solutions is likely to resonate with UK drivers, particularly as the country continues its transition towards electric vehicles.
As the automotive landscape continues to evolve, OMODA’s entry into the UK market is a welcome addition. With their focus on innovation and sustainability, they are well-positioned to meet the demands of modern drivers. We at Planetauto are excited to see where OMODA goes from here, and we’ll be keeping a close eye on their future developments.

So, what’s next for OMODA? Only time will tell, but if this launch is anything to go by, the future looks bright.

Thank you all, and enjoy!


That sounds like a similar price to the MG4, but it looks a bit bigger. I've never heard of the brand, so they have some marketing to do. The EV market is really ramping up, but then I heard that some parts of it are not doing so well.

You've nailed it @steevc - with the cancellation of the government grant, and the massive price spike of rapid charging here in the UK, there's a huge amount of push back going on these days (even though the government are still pushing zero emissions) It's being caught between a rock and a hard place if you have or have had an EV now, and have to charge it. Unless you have a wall box at home, it's just not viable.

It's going to be interesting to see where Omoda UK go over the next year. As they are a subsidiary of Chery, they've got massive backing, and the fact that they've launched at the same time their dealer network is in place, and the first consignment of customer cars have rolled off the dock in Southampton means they are hitting the ground running.

Isn't it nice to see common sense in an entity as large as a new UK car brand??


There's loads of public charging points, but it is expensive. We mostly charge at home on cheap rate.

Oh It must have been pretty cool to take part in the launch... I didn't know this brand OMODA. Nice discovery for me.
Have a great day

Thank you, @heroldius - it's pretty clear weather-wise here in The Lake District that Summer is over, lol.

Ben and I had a blast travelling down and attending that launch, and it's going to be interesting to see where Omoda UK go over this next year or so. It might end up like MG - when SAIC brought the brand back, it took a couple of years to build up momentum in the public awareness, and now, MG's are everywhere!

Thank you,
Annabelle 😊

Reminds me of the Lexus RX. These new cars sure make the older models look primitive, especially when you check out the inside.

That's very true - thank you, @dmilliz Hope you are having a wonderful day

Annabelle 😊