The Final Melt Value of Gold will be Set at $90 per ounce...

in #hive-14237618 days ago

The Melt Value of Silver will be $9 per ounce in Phase One of the U.S. Monetary Correction, "as I see it"...

Naturally, the Melt Value of Gold and Silver will be Payable in Silver and Gold Coins...

Our "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins will Range from $2 to $100...

Information such as this, would be worth a Fortune to certain people...

Could you imagine what people would pay for my "Fine Tuned" version of what's to come...???

Here, I'm giving "Phase One" away for free...

I find it hard to believe, only a few people seem interested...

Most of the time, I don't think my readers understand how Simple the Answer to the Monetary Correction turned out to be...

Once you see the finished Puzzle, it's hard to believe it was so hard for everyone to see...

If we were Living in Biblical Times, some might say I'm trying to make the Blind "See"...

And don't think for a minute, that I don't know how to walk on water...

These Days, we call it Swimming...

People are normally so busy, searching for Complicated Answers, that they over look the Simple Answers...

I suppose, it took a Dummy like me to come up with the Simple Answer...

I never thought of myself as being Smart, but for some reason, the people I worked with, seemed to think I was...

Growing up, I figured everyone was able to see things the same way I saw things...

Most people aren't really paying attention to what's actually going on...

I'm able to see a Path to World Wide Freedom and Prosperity that everyone else is over-looking...

Why am I the only one saying we need to back our Currencies with Silver, Gold, Platinum and Palladium "Coins"...???

When I write "back our Currencies" I mean Face Value for Face Value...

This would mean that, $100 in Common Coinage will get me a One Ounce, $100 Gold Coin...


Has anyone been hearing about the U.S. Treasury, "moving" to the "New" United States Seat of Government, that's being Built in the State of Nevada...???

I think Nevada was a good Choice, since it was the "Battle Born State"...
Nevada is also known as the "Silver State"...

I hope "We the People" Build a New Mint in "Carson City"...

Have any of you heard my "Fine Tuned" version of the coming Reset, from anyone other than me...???

Has any Financial Guru mentioned a Silver and Gold "Coin" backed Monetary System...

Have any of them even mentioned anything about how we'll be "making change"...???

If anyone has been listening for it, it's been me...

I guess word of mouth isn't as fast as I thought it would be...

I'm able to Travel "faster" than the Speed of Light, but who really cares...???

Sometimes, what I write, makes me laugh...

I'm sure no one reading this knows that there is a form of Travel that "is" faster than the Speed of Light...

I figured this out Decades ago...


I suppose I need to write more about Silver and Gold...

Perhaps not, since there's only so much I can write about Silver and Gold...

Oh, now I remember the Title of this Blog...

Yes, I'm confident I know what the "Real Price" of Silver and Gold will be...

Would you believe the Melt Value of Silver will be $9 per ounce and the Melt Value of an Ounce of Gold will be $90...???

We pay $9 for an ounce of Silver and Mint $10 in Silver Coins...

We pay $90 for an ounce of Gold, and Mint $100 in Gold Coins...

You will be paid in "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins, naturally...

You may also choose to be paid in Electronic Coinage, Paper Coinage or Common U.S. Coinage...

No matter which form of Payment you choose, the Silver and Gold will still be Minted into Coins...

Our Monetary Tools will be in "Perfect Balance"...

I'm confident the Bank Owners will choose our Electronic Coinage, since they'll need it, to "remove and replace" their Digital Slave Units...

Bank Employees can rest easy, because I'm sure their Services will still be needed...

I figured out that "We the People" can pay off the National Debt and "interest" at the Drop of a Hat...

Federal Income Tax will no longer be required, because of our Debt Free Monetary System...

Inflation will come to an End, but the Price of Commodities will continue to Fluctuate, due to Supply and Demand...



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