For the #Beersaturday week 374 by @detlev, my pick is the popular Guinness Extra Stout. One of the most popular name in the Beer industry. This used to be a beer for special celebration and it is still till date. In the course of its reputation, it has two shelves dedicated to it. The pick was not a hard choice but it was still because they have other flavors like the Guinness Smooth, Origin Beer, among other flavors. This has been the one I have been used to and I will pick others in coming weeks but for now, let me do the special ancient but still much more relevant extra stout.
The taste of Guinness Extra smooth is unique and they have maintained this taste for as long as I can recall. What makes Guinness unique is that it has the test of time and has proven its worth in the long run. I could remember growing up, it used to be one of my uncle's favorite beer. I tastes this beer for the first time after I graduated from college.
It was a fantastic story and I would like to brief it. Before graduation I do all kinds of beer and has never gone near Guinness Extra Stout. This is because of the fallacy that has been surrounding it. There was this popular saying that it is a very bitter taste and there is absolutely nothing to enjoy in it due to its extreme bitter taste. Therefore, I stay very far away from it. During and after party of our graduation, I was offered the Beer by a friend. I refused instantly but because there was no other beer available and I needed to quench my taste I decided to give it a try. I can confidently say that I enjoyed it and ended up taken the smaller size of three bottles that night. The taste was amazing and kept me asking for for. But, because I still have to drive home that day I declined from consuming any more again. That was the day my love for this Black Guinness started till date.
I learnt something that day, that I have to be the judge of every situation and not let the way people view things decide for me. Till date whenever i want to take a stout i will definitely pick as my first choice. The brand has maintain a consistent quality till date.
All photographs are mine
Do not drink and drive do not drive and drink